Business Success
What Anchors are holding you back from Your Greatness?
My good friend, Mike Litman, had a program called, “Greatness Held Hostage”. This is a great program that he put together to show examples of people who overcame great obstacles to become great in their own right. So what holds OUR greatness hostage? Simple answer… OUR THOUGHTS, BELIEFS AND ACTIONS! We are a sum total […]
Why being BAILED OUT is not a good idea…
I have been watching the news lately to see how the bail outs are helping those who are in need is working out. The only thing that I can surmise from this whole bail out thing, is that there is a lot of finger pointing from the politicians to the businesses to the taxpayers and […]
The Only Way Out of The Current Depression for You…
Unless you live under a rock, you may have heard about the current world economic problems going on. All the markets going into the toilet, all over the world. Everybody pointing fingers and it seems like all the solutions that people are coming up with is… taxing the the people who have the money and […]
I fought the Law but The Law…
When it comes to the Laws of Success, the laws always win. Whether you know how they work or not. When you think about a lawyer, who do you want representing you if you have the need of a lawyer? The one who has the best knowledge of the law. Well it is about time […]