Career Success
What Are Frequent Flyer Miles?
Frequent flyer miles are something that you have heard of but maybe do not know all that much about. For some people, the thought is that they are something that other people use. Those people that fly a lot use them, right? The fact is that frequent flyer miles are not just for those that […]
Coaches and Consultants: Should You Work For Free?
There are separate, yet equally valid points to consider in the working for free issue. Many people believe that working for free is sometimes essential to the start up and or growth of a company. This group of people says that working for free allows your skills and your name to get out there, and […]
Nine Tips for Coaches
Being a coach can be a challenging, creative job with lots of different tasks, clients, and objectives. Here are some tips which may help. 1. Avoid giving your clients advice. Your goal should be to facilitate your client figuring out their goals and their plans for themselves. 2. Be prepared for every coaching session. If […]
Advertising Your Services As A Coach or Consultant
There are a lot of different ways to advertise a business, from print media, such as newsletters, newspaper ads, doorknob hangers, and brochures to television ads and, of course, the ubiquitous internet. You want any advertising you do to be focused, so as to provide maximum results for minimum input, either of money or time. […]
Marketing Your Services As A Coach or Consultant
In marketing, you should always diversify your efforts. This ensures that if one of your methods fails, your other methods still have a chance. This also allows you to be reaching a wider segment of the population, and thus increases your likelihood of finding good clients. Networking: Tell people you know that you are starting […]
Getting A Job As A Coach or Consultant
You may have decided at this point that while you still want to be a consultant or a coach, you do not want to run your own business doing so. Not all people who would make great coaches necessarily will make great small business owners. Or it may simply be impractical from a financial point […]
Getting Started As A Coach
As a coach, many of the skills and materials you need are less quantifiable than a consultant. A computer consultant will need a computer and relevant software and electronics. An accounting consultant will need a computer equipped with accounting software. However, while a coach can definitely use a computer, the software on the computer is […]
Budgeting For A Coach or Consultant
While running any business, unexpected expenses pop up. But the more expenses you have planned for, the more creative ways you can find of working them out. Maybe you need a website, but can’t build it yourself, and you, an accountant, meet a web designer who needs his or her bookkeeping updated, why then, you […]
Getting Started As A Coach or Consultant
For any business, you need a solid foundation. For your clients to trust your coaching or consulting expertise, you need to appear business like and organized. As well, you do not want to leave things and say that you will deal with them later, as you may quickly get a lot of clients, and want […]
What Type of a Coach or Consultant Should You Be?
There are several types of coach you may decide to be. You can take courses and get a certificate or license if you feel that that is necessary. A professional coach helps a client become more successful in their business career. If you have experience in human resources or as an executive or manager, you […]