Grant Rant #119 – Be Laser Focused When Life Challenges You
Life is full of challenges, especially in these trying times… Being focused on the outcome that we are looking for is important but also realizing that we need to take all the necessary steps from where we are to where we want to be. And we need to start right where we are at… In […]
Why It is Important to Get Your House in Order… NOW!! (Part 3)
This is the 3rd installment of the “Getting Your House in Order” Series… If you haven’t had a chance to check them out, here are the previous posts: Why It is Important to Get Your House in Order… NOW!! (Part 1) Why It is Important to Get Your House in Order… NOW!! (Part 2) In […]
Defining Value: Different From Price…And Why That’s Important
This video is from Bob Burg, he is a great motivational and business speaker who authored the great book, Endless Referrals and The Go-Giver. In this video, he discusses the differences between “value” and “price” and how important it is to provide and focus on the “value” before determining and asking for the price. As […]
The Secret of Getting All the Referrals You Could Ever Hope For | Jeffrey Gitomer | Sales Tools
Jeffrey Gitomer has a great message in this video. The easiest sales to make are to people you have down business with and are raving fans of your product or service followed closely by those who are referred to you by these raving fans of you. If you are not leveraging the customers you have […]
Why It is Important to Get Your House in Order… NOW!! (Part 2)
I posted this a couple of days ago and I hope you had a chance to read it… If not click here and read it now:  Why It is Important to Get Your House in Order… NOW!! (Part 2) Most of it had to do with changes that we as a nation and a society […]
Grant Rant #121 – Get Motivated and Don’t Waste Time
It’s funny… the more and more I listen to this guy, the more motivated I get. If you haven’t checked out the last video I posted from Grant Cardone make sure to check it out at, 12 Steps to Get Your Dream Job, it’s well worth the time to check it out even if you […]
Grant Rant #109 – Work Smart Not Hard
This is a great video… I learned a couple of things from this video that I did not know before. Working hard is important BUT we also need to work SMART, meaning that we need to be working in a field or market that is willing to pay for the services that we provide. If […]
Just Get Started! – Randy Gage
This is a great video by Randy Gage. He is by far one of my favorite speakers. One of my fondest memories was spending a night with a small group in Boston with Randy Gage, now let me paint the picture for you, I had been up all day doing my normal business and this […]
Stephen Covey Video on Choosing Success – Stephen Covey passed Away on 7/16/2012, It’s a Sad Day Indeed…
Stephen Covey passed away this morning, apparently from residual effects from a bicycle accident that he suffered earlier this year. I for one am thankful for his contributions, especially his great book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This to me is one the best personal development book ever written, second only to the […]
Why It is Important to Get Your House in Order… NOW!! (Part 1)
It is time to open up our eyes and start paying attention to what is going on around us. I don’t want this to sound like a conspiratorial message but in a way it is, for those who have not been paying attention, we are being set up. We are being set up because we […]