
FAQ: With Record Unemployment and Trying Financial Times, How do you succeed with this stacked up against you?

I am getting emails on almost on a daily basis with this question: With Record Unemployment and Trying Financial Times, How do you succeed with this stacked up against you? This is a very interesting question because there are successful people in all periods of time both up and down. The key to succeeding in […]

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The US Government, Barack Obama, Tim Geithner and Your Need to Practice Your Individual Power

I have recetnly become a member of , I recommend, you do the same. The websites focus is to bring to light stories about what the US government is doing. With the focus being to bring like minded people together in a forum to get back to the success principles that have made the […]

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AIG, Bailout, Bonuses, Tim Geithner, President Obama, Chris Dodd… What do you think?

With the news of AIG and the bonuses this week, I find myself very disturbed by this news… But not for the reasons you may think. If you paid attention to the news this week, you will have certainly heard of the AIG bonuses paid out to certain executives even after receiving federal bailout money. […]

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Why being BAILED OUT is not a good idea…

I have been watching the news lately to see how the bail outs are helping those who are in need is working out. The only thing that I can surmise from this whole bail out thing, is that there is a lot of finger pointing from the politicians to the businesses to the taxpayers and […]

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I fought the Law but The Law…

When it comes to the Laws of Success, the laws always win. Whether you know how they work or not. When you think about a lawyer, who do you want representing you if you have the need of a lawyer? The one who has the best knowledge of the law. Well it is about time […]

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Living Successfully During These Trying Times of Wealth Redistribution

If you haven’t heard we are living in some trying times. In the US, we are moving towards a more socialist way of governing. The US dollar is becoming worthless. And not too many people have faith in the good old US anymore. The US is in the middle of the greatest wealth transfer we […]

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Success is….

Some people write me and say that I repeat the same message over and over again. How about some “NEW”stuff? Success is NOT…. – Flashy – Sexy – Exciting – Glamourous Success is… – Hard (At First) – Disipline – Work – Exciting (“Hold on, John. You said above success is not exciting!”) – I’ll […]

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You can have everything perfect but if you don’t add this… Your Sunk!

You can have the perfect plan… You can have everything ready to go… But without ACTION, you will never get it off the ground. If you are looking for 2009 to be any different then 2008, you need to take action. But you need to take action that is different from the action you took […]

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Protecting Yourself for Your Success

With all the bail out action going on, it seems very easy to be swept up in all this “too big to fail” hub bub… The fact is failure is your only way to TRUE success. If you only attempt things when you have a safety net under you, your success will be limited by […]

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The Little Thing in Your Head That’s Keeping You Fat (or from anything you desire)

This is a great article by Tom Venuto, a master at fitness and weight control. This article does not only apply to weight control but also to attracting anything that you desire. I also recommend getting his great program atĀ If you can master the steps he lays out in his program you can accomplish […]

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