Communication Success

Being Content with What You Have While in Pursuit of What You Want…

In today’s sermon, my pastor had a great message and it revolved around contentment and he said that nothing on this earth will ever make us content. We spend our days trying to fill the void in our lives with, things, possessions and wishing that others would do things differently in order for us to […]

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There are NO Human Solutions to the Problems that We Face Today…

We are facing some very challenging situations in this world, right now… But no matter what you hear, and who you hear it from… the are no HUMAN solutions to these problems. The solutions to the problems we face and have always faced are HEART problems. To put it simply, when we put ourselves in […]

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What Are You Worried About? (Part 2)

Yesterday, I wrote a post about the subject of… worry! If you haven’t read it yet get over to and read it! I focused more on the things that we have pretty much no control over and suggested a few ideas that we could implement to better prepare ourselves for these problems that may […]

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What Are You Worried About? (Part 1)

WOW!! What a question… With everything going on lately, what is there not to worry about right? We just had a hurricane come up the east coast creating all sorts of problems for everybody involved. We also had an earthquake down around Washington D.C. that was felt all the way up to Vermont. We have […]

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Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say

Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say… This phrase is one of the most powerful things that you can put into practice in your life. This doesn’t mean that you run rough shod over others and treat others disrespectfully but it does mean that you say what is truly on your heart and […]

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It’s Time to Become Personally Responsible for Your Life… How are You Doing with That?

This is a very touchy subject but one that needs to be on the table and we need to dig in with both hands. When you look at your life, what would you do if tomorrow you walked in to your place of employment and found out you lost your job? Would you have enough […]

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Is There a Grey Area in Life?

We have a lot going on out there in the world now… We continue to have all of the dictators in the Middle East being taken down one after another. The only thing to be determined is whether the “OLD” dictator will be replaced by another regime or will it become a true democratic republic. […]

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What is the ONE Thing that You Would Change?

Let’s do some possibility thinking, there is one thing that you do that you wish you wouldn’t do anymore. This is a personal thing that effects all of us, individually. It could be… Smoking Drinking Drugs How you talk to others How you think about others How you handle your money It could be anything. What is […]

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What are You Going to Do with the Second Half of 2011?

Well, vacation is almost over. August is rapidly coming to a close and it is time to get serious about the 2nd half of 2011. I hope that you have had a great summer and I also hope that all the news going on out there isn’t getting you down. There is one thing I […]

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The Debt Ceiling Debate and The Tea Party “Downgrade”???

This weekend, the talking heads were talking to all the politicians about the debt ceiling debate. There was a lot of blame being placed on the “Tea Party” for the downgrade of United States by the S&P. Here are a couple of stories to help you get up to date on the situation if you […]

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