Financial Success
Living Successfully During These Trying Times of Wealth Redistribution
If you haven’t heard we are living in some trying times. In the US, we are moving towards a more socialist way of governing. The US dollar is becoming worthless. And not too many people have faith in the good old US anymore. The US is in the middle of the greatest wealth transfer we […]
Success is….
Some people write me and say that I repeat the same message over and over again. How about some “NEW”stuff? Success is NOT…. – Flashy – Sexy – Exciting – Glamourous Success is… – Hard (At First) – Disipline – Work – Exciting (“Hold on, John. You said above success is not exciting!”) – I’ll […]
Protecting Yourself for Your Success
With all the bail out action going on, it seems very easy to be swept up in all this “too big to fail” hub bub… The fact is failure is your only way to TRUE success. If you only attempt things when you have a safety net under you, your success will be limited by […]
The Little Thing in Your Head That’s Keeping You Fat (or from anything you desire)
This is a great article by Tom Venuto, a master at fitness and weight control. This article does not only apply to weight control but also to attracting anything that you desire. I also recommend getting his great program at If you can master the steps he lays out in his program you can accomplish […]
Wells Fargo, TARP, Bailout, Las Vegas Junket, and FREEDOM
I read this news story today on MSNBC, and I found it pretty interesting. Wells Fargo is re-considering an annual trip that it has done for years to reward its top performers. Now let me get this straight right off the bat, I was not in favor of taking tax payer money and bailing out […]
President Obama and The Financial Bailout… Do we NEED IT?
If you have been paying attention to the news lately, all you basically hear about is the financial bailout and the need for its expedient approval through congress. I am fortunate for having worked on this website for a few years, I have a pretty good circle of success minded people that I am in constant […]