Getting Organized
Taking One Step Backward, To Get Two Steps Forward…
So here we are, we have been making some great steps forward with our goals since the beginning of 2012, and we seem to have plateaued or we hit that wall. Bummer, we have been making some great progress and now this… What the heck do we do now? This always seems to happen doesn’t […]
Achieving Success for Your Longterm Goals By Making Decisions in the Moment
“Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced everyday, while failure is simply a few errors in judgement, repeated everyday. It is the accumulative weight of our disciplines and our judgements that leads us to either fortune or failure.” – Jim Rohn That is one of my favorite quotes… Jim Rohn had a […]
Why It is Important to Pay Attention to Your Thinking
With the first week of 2012 in the history books, I hope you have made some good progress towards your New Year’s resolutions. I’m guessing you are part of one of three different groups: 1. You are still formulating your plan but haven’t made much progress yet. You don’t feel the plan is quite good […]
To Resolve or Not to Resolve When Credit Card Debt is the Question by Guest Contributor Martha Jackson
For the 65% of the Americans that carry revolving credit card debt at an average of $11,000, their January, 2012 statements have already packed an unwelcomed punch for the New Year. Since the last decade, getting out of debt has been one of America’s top resolutions, for both the national debt as well as the […]
Increasing Your Odds of Success with Your New Year’s Resolutions
We are into day 5 of 2012, and again, I am hoping this message finds you with a lot of WHITE hot desire to make your New Year’s resolution a reality. I have been writing quite a bit lately about this subject and it has been a little scattered so with this message I will […]
The Hardest Things to Overcome with Regards to New Year’s Resolutions and Our Goals
I hope this posts finds you with the WHITE hot desire that you started your New Year’s resolutions or New Year’s Goals with. We have all read the stories about New Year’s resolutions not working or how shortly after we start them, we soon fall back into our old habits of thoughts and actions and […]
What Do You Use as Your Comparison Reference Point?
It is easy to get caught in the trap… The trap of using the “wrong” comparison reference point. We all do it. We look around ourselves and in order to make ourselves feel better about ourselves, we compare our lives to the lives of those around us that are not doing quite as good as […]
Are You Paying Attention to the Patterns in Your Life?
Do you find yourself repeating certain problems in your life, over and over again? Are there broken relationships in your wake from every area in your life? Do you find yourself broke or in situations that often drain your bank account? Do you find yourself constantly being let go from your job? Or the first […]
Where Do You Stand in The “Occupy” Movement?
If you haven’t seen it in the news, recently in the US, there are some protests going on called, “Occupy _________ ” the blank can be Wall Street, Oakland, DC or wherever else they seem to be occupying. I haven’t really quite got my mind wrapped around the reason for them being there, but apparently […]