Getting Organized

Life Success and The Quality and QUANTITY of the Value You Provide

Success in life comes from the value you provide to others. The more people you effect with your value, the more you will end up succeeding in a monetary way. This is basically no secret! Quality is important but when it really comes down to it, quantity is more important. The more people you positively effect with […]

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Success and Becoming a Product of Your Own Conclusion

“Become a product of Your Own Conclusion.” I’ve heard Jim Rohn say this over 100 times. He says it in all his keynote speeches and seminars. Jim Rohn is a fantastic speaker and when you listen to his message it really resonates with me. Deep down inside of me, the message just hits home. But […]

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Success, Happiness and Your Responsibility to Yourself

When it comes to success and happiness, the most important thing you need to realize is that you are personally responsible for both your happiness and your success. Once you come to realize this point it sets you free from the chains that hold you back. When you place the responsibility for your success and happiness on […]

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Success and The TRAP you need to avoid at all cost…

When planning to take steps to towards success, there is a trap that can develop and sabotage your efforts more than any possible obstacle that you can face. When you reach the point of desiring anything… physical fitness, saving more money, getting yourself organized, your mind goes to all the things that you are going […]

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Success and What to do when you don’t feel like going any further…

The journey to success is often paved with times when you feel like throwing in the towel. When you just feel like throwing your hands in the air and giving up. I think that this is just a natural occurrence in most everyones life. But being that you are responsible, you know that you can’t just throw […]

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Success, MLM, and The Financial Circumstances of the World

Marcela, one of our subscribers, wrote back yesterday and asked: “I was curious about your opinion on how MLM’s will be affected by the financial situation?  Do you think they will also suffer as people are financially impacted, or will people continue to buy some of the products that are available through MLM’s? ” […]

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Success and Your Financial Future

It’s everywhere… It’s in the newspapers, on the TV, on your favorite news site on the Internet. The financial picture of the world is pretty bleak. Your next door neighbor just lost his job and he may be having his house foreclosed on in a month or two. The fed is lowering the prime interest […]

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Team Building: Using Consultants

Consultants who work for building up efficient teams generally but distinctly apply the theory of having fun while working in a team. They work in a three step process: • As a Consultant: establishes, assesses and maintains interaction with client and plans programs as well as serves as a secret-keeper for the client. • As […]

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Team Building: Intercultural Teams

Today due to the huge level of globalization of companies and the spread of a common market intercultural mixing has increased. People working in different countries but in the same companies doing similar work now are collaborated to form a team for maximum team output and lesser employee intake. Thus the topic of multicultural or […]

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Team Building Program

“Trails” is what we call the process of development of the team by successful leaders and managers. Managers usually work at their best to produce a group of people who will work at the highest level of their efficiency. There is usually a comfort level between the manager and his employees which enable them to […]

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