Habit Breaking

The Biggest Trap to Avoid with the Early Success in Your New Year’s Resolutions

I am pretty connected via the social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter and I have pretty tight list that I pay attention to including my family, close friends, professional associates and so forth. What I find pretty neat about watching these list over the beginning of the year is how well people who […]

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Increasing Your Odds of Success with Your New Year’s Resolutions

We are into day 5 of 2012, and again, I am hoping this message finds you with a lot of WHITE hot desire to make your New Year’s resolution a reality. I have been writing quite a bit lately about this subject and it has been a little scattered so with this message I will […]

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The Hardest Things to Overcome with Regards to New Year’s Resolutions and Our Goals

I hope this posts finds you with the WHITE hot desire that you started your New Year’s resolutions or New Year’s Goals with. We have all read the stories about New Year’s resolutions not working or how shortly after we start them, we soon fall back into our old habits of thoughts and actions and […]

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Staying Focused on Your Goals and New Year’s Resolutions

Keeping our eye on the prize is one of the most important things that we can do especially when the desire to reach our goals is WHITE hot. Everyday, we should be writing and re-writing that goal, making it more clearer and more concise with every word that we write. From that point, we need […]

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Do New Year’s Resolutions really work?

It’s a nice thought, the new year begins and off you go with your list of changes you want to make in our lives. The only problem is… roughly a month later you are right back to the same things, repeating the same actions that you always have and getting the same results that you […]

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Is 2012 Going to Be a Good Year for You?

Well 2011 has come to a close. For me personally, I thought it was a good year. I reached some professional and personal goals that were evading me for a while. I strengthened key relationships in my life, not that I was struggling in that area but I wanted to start building a more solid […]

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What Do You Use as Your Comparison Reference Point?

It is easy to get caught in the trap… The trap of using the “wrong” comparison reference point. We all do it. We look around ourselves and in order to make ourselves feel better about ourselves, we compare our lives to the lives of those around us that are not doing quite as good as […]

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Are You Paying Attention to the Patterns in Your Life?

Do you find yourself repeating certain problems in your life, over and over again? Are there broken relationships in your wake from every area in your life? Do you find yourself broke or in situations that often drain your bank account? Do you find yourself constantly being let go from your job? Or the first […]

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Where Do You Stand in The “Occupy” Movement?

If you haven’t seen it in the news, recently in the US, there are some protests going on called, “Occupy _________ ” the blank can be Wall Street, Oakland, DC or wherever else they seem to be occupying. I haven’t really quite got my mind wrapped around the reason for them being there, but apparently […]

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Why It is Important to Deal with the Addictions in Our Lives… NOW!!

Our pastor has been pounding it pretty unmercifully recently in church… the need to remove sin from our lives and getting closer to God. His point being that when we have sin in our lives, we areĀ separatedĀ from God by allowing that sin to stay in our lives. As this is a subject that he has […]

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