Health & Fitness
What Values Do You LIve Your Life By?
What values do you live your life by? This is an interesting question… And one that will ultimately determine your level of success or your failure. We are seeing a lot of strife happening all around us, currently in New York, with the “Occupy Wall Street” movement and in Boston with the so called “Days […]
DEMANDING Change, Is This a Philosophy That Has Ever Worked?
I find it interesting, we are currently having people being arrested in New York and Boston for getting in the way of traffic in the “Occupy Wall Street” or what is also being called the “Days of Rage”. I look at this with great interest because I have never seen this work out in anyone’s […]
When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going…
It’s interesting, that statement has been around for a long time. It is a quote attributed to Joseph Kennedy and it is also said to be an old Scottish proverb. It is also a song that Billy Ocean sang in the 80’s or early 90’s. Yesterday, I wrote a post about the problems that we […]
Are YOU Creating the Problems in Your Life?
Life is a journey, it is filled with ups and downs. Some times are good and some times are bad, it is just the way it is. What do you do when times are not that pleasant? The answer to that, I believe, will in some way determine how long we spend in that valley […]
Being Content with What You Have While in Pursuit of What You Want…
In today’s sermon, my pastor had a great message and it revolved around contentment and he said that nothing on this earth will ever make us content. We spend our days trying to fill the void in our lives with, things, possessions and wishing that others would do things differently in order for us to […]
There are NO Human Solutions to the Problems that We Face Today…
We are facing some very challenging situations in this world, right now… But no matter what you hear, and who you hear it from… the are no HUMAN solutions to these problems. The solutions to the problems we face and have always faced are HEART problems. To put it simply, when we put ourselves in […]
What Are You Worried About? (Part 2)
Yesterday, I wrote a post about the subject of… worry! If you haven’t read it yet get over to and read it! I focused more on the things that we have pretty much no control over and suggested a few ideas that we could implement to better prepare ourselves for these problems that may […]
What Are You Worried About? (Part 1)
WOW!! What a question… With everything going on lately, what is there not to worry about right? We just had a hurricane come up the east coast creating all sorts of problems for everybody involved. We also had an earthquake down around Washington D.C. that was felt all the way up to Vermont. We have […]
Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say
Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say… This phrase is one of the most powerful things that you can put into practice in your life. This doesn’t mean that you run rough shod over others and treat others disrespectfully but it does mean that you say what is truly on your heart and […]