Health & Fitness
It’s Time to Make a Difference in Your Life and It’s Time to Make it Last…
If your like most, you have tried to make changes in your life that would make you life better. But for whatever difference, things just haven’t worked out to your benefit. But WHY? My guess is that you haven’t made the right changes in your mind that helped to make the life changing difference. Hey, […]
Are You Going to Make the Most of the Rest of 2011?
Consider the implication of this idea… What would happen if I were to follow you with a camera crew 24 hours a day 7 days a week for the next 100 days while you went for your goals? I bet 3 things would happen… 1) You would START doing the things you say you need […]
Who Do You Look to For Help?
We all need it… from time to time, we ALL need help in our lives. The question is who do we look to in time of need? There is and always has been one person who has always wanted us to look to Him first when we needed help, and that is God. God has […]
“It is Finished” – The Ultimate DONE for You Program!!
I have been writing this blog since July of 2006, I started this blog to help promote personal development with the hope of helping people exercise their personal power to live a better life for themselves and hopefully positively effect those around them by the better person they would become by following the ideas that […]
The Inner Urge for A Savior
Somewhere deep, deep inside, we know that there is something more to this then us on this planet… When we look at the beauty that surrounds us, when we think of the systems that are in place, such as our bodies from its basic functions right down to the cellular levels, what a wonderful thing […]
Are You Standing in The Truth?
There is a battle raging… what side of the battle lines are you standing on? Here are the two sides: Side 1 – The victim The victim is the one who is looking for things that are outside of themselves to change in order for their lives to get better. On this side, they have […]
The Steps to True Success…
For over 25 years, I have been studying success. I have read 100’s of personal development books that addressed the subjects of time management, personal productivity, goal setting, financial success and many other subjects that relate to personal success, with that being said 25 years later and applying these ideas you’d think that I would […]
Are You Prepared to Have Your Faith Challenged?
If you have been reading this blog for any length of time, especially recently, you will have noticed that I have been mentioning a lot of things that are taking place in this world, that will be challenging a lot of people very shortly. It is my belief, based on circumstances that are going on […]
How Bright Will Your Light Shine?
We are living in some very interesting times. If you have been watching the news lately, you will notice that there is a revolution sweeping across the Middle East. We have people in the streets in Greece, Italy, and even in the US, we have people at the state capitals in Wisconsin, Ohio and Illinois. […]
Are You Prepared?
Look around, read the news, watch the news… Things look pretty bleak, for the most part. Here are some of the things that are currently effecting our world right now… 1. Civil unrest in the Middle East. The instability in this area causes the price of oil to go up, which has a ripple effect […]