Home Based Business
Important Goal Achievement Information
Goal Setting is one of those subjects that is often taught but very rarely followed. This is a great video on goal setting by Jeffrey Gitomer. I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think! How are you doing this year with your goals? Are you making things happen or are you falling […]
Have the Rules for Success Changed with the “New” Economy?
“Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying BASIC fundamentals.” – Jim Rohn When things tighten up the way they have since this economy has changed, everyone likes to look for “new” answers to the present problems. But the fact is the success principles that worked before this economy […]
Is there a “NEW” Economy? What Should you do in this “New” Economy…
“If you spend five minutes complaining, you have just wasted five minutes. If you continue complaining, it won’t be long before they haul you out to a financial desert and there let you choke on the dust of your own regret.” – Jim Rohn We are faced with many challenges these days when it comes […]
The Power of Taking ACTION!!
“If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you.Whatever good things we build end up building us.” – Jim Rohn Although his recent passing was very sad for me, Jim Rohn still […]
How are you managing your Time?
“We can no more afford to spend major time on minor things than we can to spend minor time on major things.” – Jim Rohn This is probably one of the greatest quotes about time management ever made. What are spending your time on? Let’s take a look at your work or your business… Are […]
Social Media – The new NEW wave
This is a great video by one of my favorites, Jeffrey Gitomer of http://www.gitomer.com . I believe you will find this video very eye opening. Let me know what you think of this video in the comments section below: Here are a few resources that you may find useful if you are diving into this […]
Napoleon Hill – Think and Grow Rich – Applied Faith
I hope you have been enjoying these great videos by Napoleon Hill. In this video, Napoleon Hill discusses applied faith. Without faith, your chances of reaching any of the goals you have set will end up fruitless. I hope you had a chance to get your copy of the great book, Think and Grow Rich, […]