Home Based Business
Developing Prosperity Consciousness – The Law of Attraction
In this time of economic turmoil, it is time to get back to basics and this all starts with your PERSONAL prosperity mindset. Developing a prosperity mindset is key in getting out of any financial rut. There are two things you can do to get going on this and the first thing is watching this […]
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The Imaging Law of Prosperity – Video
I have had several speakers that have really had a profound effect on my life: Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor and Randy Gage… I went to an over night seminar in Boston, MA to see him speak and what a great night it was. Here is a great video of Randy explaining the Imaging […]
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Securing Your Financial Future…
With the uncertainty of the times we live in now, there is no better time then now to start working on multiple streams of income. If you like most, you currently have a job (J.ust O.ver B.roke) with maybe a part time job to make ends meet. The problem with this manner of earning income […]
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President Obama was WRONG in his commencement speech at ASU…
The President of the United States is an eloquent speaker, that is for sure but you need to listen quite intently on the message being delivered in the message. Commencement is a great time, a time where the real work begins. Hopefully for most it includes putting the skills and talents, that were learned in […]
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Success Laws and Working with THE Laws
I know this is hard to believe but there are success laws that work equally for everyone. I know you may be saying to yourself, “Come on, John. If that was true why does it seem like there is so much poverty in the world?” The simple answer is… The reason why there seems to […]
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The US Government, Freddie Mac CFO David David Kellermann and Your Success
With the death of Freddie Mac CFO David Kellermann, I started to think about the enormous pressure that has been put on us by this unfolding financial debacle that we find ourselves in. I’m sure over the next couple of days we will find out the cause of death and more about this man. In […]
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The Greatest Challenge of Your Life…
It has been my belief, for as long as I can remember, that we are all placed on this earth with very unique talents and abilities. And those unique talents and abilities have with in them, everything you need to bring into your life anything you desire. The problem that most of face when looking […]
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3 Keys to Maintain Forward Momentum and Motivation During Trying Times
With the unemployment numbers going crazy and the bleak financial news, we see on a daily basis, it is often hard to find ways to keep your positive and motivated during these very trying times. You ability to find ways to keep yourself motivated and consistently doing the actions that will bring about your desire […]
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FAQ: With Record Unemployment and Trying Financial Times, How do you succeed with this stacked up against you?
I am getting emails on almost on a daily basis with this question: With Record Unemployment and Trying Financial Times, How do you succeed with this stacked up against you? This is a very interesting question because there are successful people in all periods of time both up and down. The key to succeeding in […]
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The US Government, Barack Obama, Tim Geithner and Your Need to Practice Your Individual Power
I have recetnly become a member of http://www.the912project.com , I recommend, you do the same. The websites focus is to bring to light stories about what the US government is doing. With the focus being to bring like minded people together in a forum to get back to the success principles that have made the […]