Becoming the Obvious Choice: Time for a Reality Check
I was recently at a meeting with the company that I work for and they presented a slide show called “Becoming the Obvious Choice”. I thought is was very interesting, it was based on a book Bryan Dodge and David Cottrell. When I got home I ordered the book on Amazon, as I always do […]
What is Your Most Important Investment?
When we think about investing, we generally think about Wall Street, stocks, bonds, IPO’s, 401K and so on. But these investments pale in comparison to the investment that I am going to discuss in this post. The investment that I am talking about is the investment that you make in…. YOURSELF! There is no investment […]
Making Hard Decisions When Things Are Going Well, So Hard Times Are not As Hard
When is the best time to make hard decisions? When times are going well. I’ve heard several times over my 20+ year professional career, “If it isn’t broke, break and fix it.” I was often very confused by this statement but it has become crystal clear to me what they meant by this statement. Complacency […]
What is YOUR Personal Philosophy?
One of  my mentors, Jim Rohn, often talks about personal philosophy. Or what is the philosophy that works in your back ground that governs the way you respond to the trials of life? When you are faced with a bad situation, do you react or respond? Reaction meaning that there is very little, if any, […]
The Imaging Law of Prosperity – Video
I have had several speakers that have really had a profound effect on my life: Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor and Randy Gage… I went to an over night seminar in Boston, MA to see him speak and what a great night it was. Here is a great video of Randy explaining the Imaging […]
Securing Your Financial Future…
With the uncertainty of the times we live in now, there is no better time then now to start working on multiple streams of income. If you like most, you currently have a job (J.ust O.ver B.roke) with maybe a part time job to make ends meet. The problem with this manner of earning income […]
Why being BAILED OUT is not a good idea…
I have been watching the news lately to see how the bail outs are helping those who are in need is working out. The only thing that I can surmise from this whole bail out thing, is that there is a lot of finger pointing from the politicians to the businesses to the taxpayers and […]
I fought the Law but The Law…
When it comes to the Laws of Success, the laws always win. Whether you know how they work or not. When you think about a lawyer, who do you want representing you if you have the need of a lawyer? The one who has the best knowledge of the law. Well it is about time […]