Job Interview
Key to Staying Motivated: How are you doing so far in the 2nd Half of 2010?
We’re one month down in the 2nd half of 2010, have you made any headway into your 2nd half goals? Well if not… it is still not too late to get rolling but don’t put it off for another day. There is no better time to get going on the goals that are really important […]
Key to Staying Motivated: Get Rid of the HIDDEN Excuses…
As we progress through life, we pick a lot of assumptions and prejudices along the way. This is a natural thing that happens and some of these assumptions help us remain safe while others hold us back from the success we desire and deserve if we are willing to pay the price. Some of the […]
Key to Staying Motivated: Not Relying on Others to Change in Order to Make You Happy
People often come to me with this scenario… If only this person would (fill in the blank). or I only wish this person would (fill in the blank). This is a fundamental flaw in thinking that has left a lot of people very unhappy for the their entire lives. The only person who is responsible […]
Key to Staying Motivated: What to do when you are not seeing results…
So here is the scenario… You have been working on your goal and you have gotten some results but you seem to have stalled and you don’t know what you are doing wrong. This is a very frustrating situation and a situation that may cause you to give up if you don’t know what to […]
Key to Staying Motivated: Do Something Everyday that Moves you Forward towards your goal…
One of the major keys to living a successful life is having goals but it takes daily action to make those goals a reality. Here’s a quick question: What goals are you destined NOT to reach? The goals that you do not take daily action to achieve. It’s that simple. If you are not taking […]
Key to Staying Motivated: The two things that we have COMPLETE control over…
This should become a eye opener for some out there who may feel that everything is stacked up against them. There are a couple of things that we have COMPLETE control over…. Those things are: 1. Our Thoughts 2. Our Actions No matter what is happening in our lives good or bad, we have complete […]
Key to Staying Motivated: You’ve got to be clear…
When it comes to staying motivated, one of the best places to start is right in the beginning by becoming crystal clear to the smallest detail in whatever it is that you want to achieve. It may not be very clear at first but it is very important to make sure you have a very […]
Key to Staying Motivated: Try Something Different…
As we go through our day, if you take notice you will see that there are patterns that we have set up for ourselves. We get up at the same time almost everyday, we progress through our days in pretty much the same fashion everyday, week in week out, year in year out. BUt here […]
Key to Staying Motivated: Stay on point…
There are distractions all around us. Before I am done writing this blog post I will probably be interrupted by something about 5 times, which is a habit that I am currently reprogramming. The key to great success and staying motivated is to keep your energy focused on the task that has the highest pay […]
Key to Staying Motivated: Get Up Early!
For the last month and a half, I have been getting up a 4 AM to go to the gym for 4:30. Most of the people that I tell about this think I am absolutely crazy but I must tell you that I have had more energy in the last month then I have felt […]