Marriage Success
Your Success, Your Goals, and Concentrating on YOUR Highest Priorities
I am in the middle of really taking a look at my life and re-connecting with goals that I have let go for a little while. I have my Franklin-Covey Planner out and I am working on my values, roles, and my mission statement. Fortunately, I have been doing this for a lot of years […]
Your Success and Reconnecting to Your Goals
I am hoping that you have a long list of inspiring goals, after all if you are reading this blog, you are certainly looking to achieve some level of success. My favorite definition of success is by Earl Nightingale and it goes like this, “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or objective.” […]
Your Success and The Need to Become Invincible!
I have been taking this great training available at , what I find very interesting about this training is that it has me so fired up that I can’t hardly stand it. And it is a great feeling! I have taken the time since starting this training and I have completely revised them with […]
Goals and Goal Setting and The need to Get Back to Your Goals Quickly
I put together this quick video: 1. Address the need to get back to your goals very quickly when you start to get away from them. 2. To Introduce you to Simpleology 101 – A great FREE success resource that you can use to help you reach your goals. Check out the video and let […]
Your Success and Your Ability to Persist Until You Reach Your Goals
One of the most important things to reaching any goal is the level of persistence we exercise in achieving that goal. Our ability to stick to it until we see it through. The problem that we tend to have is giving up at the first sign of difficulty or even worse we don’t even start […]
Memorial Day and How to Truly Honor those Who have died for our Freedom
In the US, we will be celebrating Memorial Day. This holiday is to honor all those have died in military service. The holiday was first started after the end of the Civil War. I found this very interesting. It was to honor the Union Soldiers who died who died during the American Civil War. The […]
Your Success and Your Ability to Become Invincible!
Can you become Invincible? I suggest that you can become a force that can not be stopped. It all starts with: 1. Your Desire – Make a decision to make the change you know you should right now! This is the start of all successful endeavors. 2. Make a plan – Start to develop a […]
Your Success and Being Faithful to Those Who Are Absent
Being faithful to those that are absent is one of the highest forms of respect that you can show to anyone. I must admit, it is easy to get into a gossip session but it is not a good thing to do and does not serve anyone involved. Here are a couple points to consider […]
Your Success, Your Reach and Your Ability to Influence Others…
With today’s technology, there is no reason why you can not be positively effecting no only the people who are right in your immediate circle but you can be positively effecting people who live all over this world. And believe me, there are many people out there who can use the expertise you have no […]
Your Success and The Power of Non-Judgement
We do it everyday… We walk around and we are constantly judging. This person is that… This situation is that… I wish that had happened instead of that… That sucked… Judging things good and bad can cause us to miss things. You may be saying to yourself, “John, what the heck are you talking about?” […]