Marriage Success

Goal Setting: How to Move Forward when You Lack Motivation

In this video by Jill Koenig, from , discusses how to stay motivated to follow through on your goals whether you feel like it or not. Check out the video and let me know what you think! Check out Jill’s site at ! Staying motivated and doing what you need to do whether […]

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Weathering The Tough Economy

I had a lot of great comments about the video from Jeffrey Gitomer and I think that video helped a lot of people. Here is another video that I think will certainly give you a different perspective. Check it out and let me know what you think! Make sure to get over to his website […]

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Economy Up or Down

When I watched this video, all I could say was… “WOW!” Jeffrey Gitomer nailed it. Check out this video and let me know what you think! Jeffrey nailed it. By clarifying our challenges in writing, I don’t know if you picked that up in the video, we can then start to take constructive action that […]

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The Power of Focus

With all the bad news we are hearing about on the TV and the radio lately, it’s hardly a mystery why some us may have lost a little focus on what really matters. The one thing that we need to keep in mind is that… what we focus on expands. If we are focusing on […]

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Is It Time for You to End Your Recession?

I hope you enjoy this video. This is Lee Milteer and this is a wonderful message about the breaking free from the recession. Lee Milteer is also the person behind, her message is one that can help you get away from the habits that are holding you back and help you create habits that […]

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Does Positive Thinking Really Work?

It was a pretty rare event, but I was listening to the radio this morning and the DJ was reading an article about how positive thinking does not work and how a lot of people who are into self improvement are being duped. I don’t know the source he was referring too but I would […]

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Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams Enough Said! Here’s to Your LifetoSuccess, John Clark

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The Creativity Law of Prosperity – Randy Gage

Here is another video by Randy Gage. In this video he explores the Law of Creativity with regards to prosperity. It is very relevant to the times we find ourselves in now. Check it out and let me know what you think! Using your creative faculties is a great way of getting out of any […]

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Zig Ziglar Setting Goals 3 of 3

Here is the last video with Zig Ziglar on the subject of goal setting. I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you thoughts are on the subject. Speaking of goal setting, I hope you had a chance to check out Gary Ryan Blair’s program the 100 Day Challenge. This program focuses on leveraging […]

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A Three-Point Plan for Greater Results

The purpose of this note is to share with you a few ideas that will help ensure that you finish this year with a bang. You see, for most of my life I’ve pursued what I consider to be the organizing principles of lasting change, and in this message I wanted to share two things […]

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