Money Saving Tips

Defining Moments

In this video Randy Gage explains some of the defining moments in his business career. This is a very interesting video! And one of the key points he makes is that if you find a re-occurring problem, it’s not necessarily the outside people or circumstances but sometimes the actions or thoughts that we are having. […]

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A look at The “NEW” Economy… with Randy Gage!

This is a very intriguing video about the new economy. Please take a look and let me know what you think. Also make sure if you have not yet signed up for the 7 Lessons of The Science of Getting Rich, please go to , this will certainly give you some insights into action you can […]

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Working on Your Prosperity Consciousness

It’s Saturday morning and I am sitting here reflecting on the last week, and what a great week it was. To be honest with you it was the best I have felt from a positive mindset in about a month or so. One thing that I did a little different this week was I started […]

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Developing Prosperity Consciousness – The Law of Attraction

In this time of economic turmoil, it is time to get back to basics and this all starts with your PERSONAL prosperity mindset. Developing a prosperity mindset is key in getting out of any financial rut. There are two things you can do to get going on this and the first thing is watching this […]

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Securing Your Financial Future…

With the uncertainty of the times we live in now, there is no better time then now to start working on multiple streams of income. If you like most, you currently have a job (J.ust O.ver B.roke) with maybe a part time job to make ends meet. The problem with this manner of earning income […]

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The Little Thing in Your Head That’s Keeping You Fat

The Little Thing in Your Head That’s Keeping You Fat By Tom Venuto I have no doubt that a scientist somewhere just read the title of this article and said out loud, “YES! Venuto is right! That little thing in your head – the hypothalamus – it IS the thing that is keeping you […]

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President Obama was WRONG in his commencement speech at ASU…

The President of the United States is an eloquent speaker, that is for sure but you need to listen quite intently on the message being delivered in the message. Commencement is a great time, a time where the real work begins. Hopefully for most it includes putting the skills and talents, that were learned in […]

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The 3 Step Formula to Successful Living

Living successfully is very rewarding but it does not come without it’s challenges. When you start to look at your life and the results you may be getting, you may be asking yourself, “Why is this so hard?” or “What am I doing wrong?” God has provided us with a system that works for anyone. […]

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Your Success Begins when…

Success always begins when we take complete responsibility for our OWN happiness. When we rely on others for our happiness, we give up way too much power to the people that we rely on for our happiness. Does that make sense? Here is a simple example… If you were relying on our ex-President George Bush […]

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Success Laws and Working with THE Laws

I know this is hard to believe but there are success laws that work equally for everyone. I know you may be saying to yourself, “Come on, John. If that was true why does it seem like there is so much poverty in the world?” The simple answer is… The reason why there seems to […]

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