Money Saving Tips

Success or Unsuccessful Living and The Price You Pay for Both

Living successfully is often a very arduous task, often requiring you to do things that are not always pleasant like getting up at five in the morning to go to the gym. Or working into the wee hours of the morning to make a deadline. Or skipping a fun session to get something of high importance done. […]

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Success and Your Self Image

Zig Ziglar, one of the greatest motivational speakers of all time, says “You’ve got BE before you can DO, and you’ve got to DO before you can have.” I’ve always liked that statement. It’s a statement about your self image. Let me explain… BE – Before you can have anything you desire, you have to […]

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Success and What to Do When the Going Gets Tough…

While in pursuit of the success you seek, the road will not always be smooth and you will encounter many bumps along the way. When this happens, depending on your resolve, the simplest thing to do is throw your hands in the air and give up! Which unfortunately many people do…  Here are a few […]

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Is Success Easy?

I often get asked why do all the messages you post all have the same message or close to it. Well when you start to study success, you will find that most of the steps to successful living are the same. They start with… 1. Desire – What do you want to be, do or […]

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Success and The Need to Be Honest with Yourself

When you are looking at yourself and reviewing whether you are acting in a successful way or not, one of the biggest things that you have to look at is being honest with yourself. For some reason, our culture and the media has made it easy for us to candy coat every failure somehow making […]

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Why High Gas Prices are a GOOD Thing… Part 2

The other day I wrote a post the other with some ideas why I thought high gas prices was a good thing, and I got plenty of feedback both negative and positive. Check it out here! As I expected there was a lot of negative feedback and as I examined this feedback, I found most […]

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Patience with Yourself While in Pursuit of Your Success

One of the biggest opportunities we face while in pursuit of our success is our ability to be patient with ourselves while on the path. With all the advertisements we see and read, we are promised instant results. 10 lbs. in 10 days… $10,000 in 30 days… Success overnight… Again this list can go on […]

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Why High Gas Prices are a GOOD Thing…

If you live in the US, you are probably in sticker shock over the escalating prices at the gas pumps. If you listen to the news or read the newspapers and you buy into the stories they are trying to feed you, you are probably mad at the Oil Company Executives and the record profits […]

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Success and These Troubling Times…

Everywhere you look the headlines read: Record Oil Prices… Gas at the Pumps Averaging over $4.00 a gallon… Food Prices Sky  Rocketing because of shortages in corn and wheat… The list can go on and on…. So what should you do when things seem to spinning out of control? Change your focus! Start to focus […]

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Success and Time for Reflection and Re-Motivation

With the first half of the year fast approaching, it’s time to start looking at the goals and objectives that you had set for the year. #1 – Did you set any goals or objectives for the year? If not then there is no better time then NOW to set some up for the second […]

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