Relationship Success
Becoming the Obvious Choice: Transform
The one thing that never changes is that things are ALWAYS changing. The sooner we become comfortable with the ability to manage change, we move in to a better way of handling life. In the book, Becoming the Obvious Choice, the authors suggest that the best time to change is when things are going well. […]
Becoming the Obvious Choice: Unclutter
The next chapter in the book, Becoming the Obvious Choice, the authors discuss the subject of clutter or unclutter. When we are surrounded with piles of stuff, most of the time it’s junk, we tend to be a little scattered in our thinking and the way we process things. When you see someone who has […]
Becoming the Obvious Choice: Time for a Reality Check
I was recently at a meeting with the company that I work for and they presented a slide show called “Becoming the Obvious Choice”. I thought is was very interesting, it was based on a book Bryan Dodge and David Cottrell. When I got home I ordered the book on Amazon, as I always do […]
Success and Your Ability to Focus
Are you focused? Are you focusing your efforts towards the goals and objectives you have set for yourself? Most people make very little momentum on their path towards success for one reason… they lack focused effort towards the accomplishment of their goals and objectives. Let’s look at this example: Let’s say you want to lose […]
What are your habits costing you?
Have you ever given any thought as to what some of your habits may be costing you? Take a look at this video and let me  know what you think… If you would like to take control of your habits, please make sure to go to and start taking control of your habits today! […]
Making Sure to Take of The Most Important Person in Your Life
Who is the most important person in your life? It is of my opinion that the most important person in anyones life is THEMSELVES! That’s right you are the most important person in your life. Now you may be saying to yourself, “John, hold on, my kids, wife, or parents are the most important people […]
Making Positive Habit Change Part of Your Successful Life
Here is a video that I posted on YouTube. It is about the importance of habit change in order to have a productive successful life while becoming the best person you can be. I hope you find it informative. If you are interested in more information about The Habit Busting System you can go to […]
The Greatest Gift You Can Give to Anyone…
Have you ever heard the phrase, “If you will take care of me, I will take care of you.” ? It sounds pretty harmless… but what if the other person doesn’t live up to their end of the bargain, wouldn’t you be a little disappointed. My mentor, Jim Rohn, said “The greatest gift you can […]
What is Your Most Important Investment?
When we think about investing, we generally think about Wall Street, stocks, bonds, IPO’s, 401K and so on. But these investments pale in comparison to the investment that I am going to discuss in this post. The investment that I am talking about is the investment that you make in…. YOURSELF! There is no investment […]
Making Hard Decisions When Things Are Going Well, So Hard Times Are not As Hard
When is the best time to make hard decisions? When times are going well. I’ve heard several times over my 20+ year professional career, “If it isn’t broke, break and fix it.” I was often very confused by this statement but it has become crystal clear to me what they meant by this statement. Complacency […]