Stress Management

Becoming a Possibility Thinker and Becoming Prepared for the Worse…

I wrote a pretty down in the mouth post yesterday about the stock market drop that happened on Thursday, if you haven’t had a chance to read it, please make sure to check it out, I had a close friend of mine yesterday, say to me, “Wow, that was a pretty depressing post you put […]

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Does the Stock Market Plunge Give You Cause for Concern?

Yesterday, the Dow Jones dropped over 500 points, the worse drop since the crash in 2008, and who knows what today will bring… Does this give you cause for concern? Is your 401K plan being eaten away with every passing day? With everyday that passes, our leaders in the US and leaders all over the […]

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Is it Really as Bad as It Seems to Be? Financially and Globally?

With the unemployment rate high in the US, and the riots happening all over the Middle East and in Europe, is really as bad as it seems? Well if you look at things from an historical standpoint, everything that is happening now, has happened in the past right before World Wars. The tension in the […]

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Are You Up to Making 2011 a Great Year?

This is extremely time-sensitive, so I want to make sure you find out about this now. Gary Ryan Blair, is about to launch a truly unique, highly valuable (and very reasonably priced) program that’s going to knock your socks off. I’m so impressed with this program that I’ll be participating in this launch myself and […]

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Are You Serious About Making the Rest of 2011 a Great Year for You?

I know, I know… The world is going to hell in a hand basket… We are facing unprecedented times in the US, with unemployment still at about 9% and the government spending us in to oblivion, it’s no wonder most of us are worried about what the future holds. Will we have our jobs in […]

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It’s Time to Make a Difference in Your Life and It’s Time to Make it Last…

If your like most, you have tried to make changes in your life that would make you life better. But for whatever difference, things just haven’t worked out to your benefit. But WHY? My guess is that you haven’t made the right changes in your mind that helped to make the life changing difference. Hey, […]

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Are You Going to Make the Most of the Rest of 2011?

Consider the implication of this idea… What would happen if I were to follow you with a camera crew 24 hours a day 7 days a week for the next 100 days while you went for your goals? I bet 3 things would happen… 1) You would START doing the things you say you need […]

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Who Do You Look to For Help?

We all need it… from time to time, we ALL need help in our lives. The question is who do we look to in time of need? There is and always has been one person who has always wanted us to look to Him first when we needed help, and that is God. God has […]

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The One Thing We Can’t Do For Ourselves

We are capable of doing just about everything else, we need. The only thing that we have had trouble with is escaping death… That was until Jesus came and bridged this gap for us. When Jesus died on that cross and rose again, three days later, He opened the door for us to be able […]

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“It is Finished” – The Ultimate DONE for You Program!!

I have been writing this blog since July of 2006, I started this blog to help promote personal development with the hope of helping people exercise their personal power to live a better life for themselves and hopefully positively effect those around them by the better person they would become by following the ideas that […]

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