Stress Management

Key to Staying Motivated: Your Influence, Your Reach and Your Example

When it comes to true success, you will find that in order to become successful will require that you have to work with people in a lot of different ways. You will have to deal with customers, co-workers, suppliers, trainers, educators and the list goes on and on. At some point if you end up […]

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Key to Staying Motivated: Working with The Success Principles

There are success principles that, when applied, work for everyone regardless of who you are or where you come from. The key here is to make sure that you are working with the success principles and not against them. Note: This is a lot easier said then done but the people who are capable of […]

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Key to Staying Motivated: Letting Go of the Excuses that Keep Holding You Back…

We all have them… certain excuses that hold us back from making some sort of self improvement our lives. When we truly take a look at these “excuses”, all it comes down to is a habitual way of thinking that we have embedded in our lives over a long period of time. A thought pattern […]

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Key to Staying Motivated: Using the Knowledge of Others to Bridge the Gap…

We don’t have to “re-invent the wheel”. Unless we are looking to accomplish something that has never been done in human history, there is probably someone who has done what we are looking to accomplish. In the areas of fitness, money, relationships, business or spiritual, chances are someone is where we want to be in […]

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Key to Staying Motivated: Become an Inspiration to Others

When it comes to motivation, there is nothing more motivating then when someone says to you, “Because of what you said, wrote or did, I stepped out and took action and these are the positive results that I have accomplished.” Doesn’t that make you want to take a more proactive stance and do more things […]

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Key to Staying Motivated: Why fear and HOPE may be holding you back…

Some of you may be saying, “Come on, John. How can hope possibly hold you back?” When you think of hope, what do you think of? Do you think about the things that you “hope” to do? or Do you think of the things that you “hope” to change outside of yourself? It all depends […]

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Key to Staying Motivated: Working within YOUR Circle of Influence

One of the major keys to staying motivated is to make sure that you are constantly working on things that you have complete control over, and all these things fall under your circle of influence. Working within your circle of influence requires you to work on only two things: 1. What you think and 2. […]

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Key to Staying Motivated: Results is the Name of the Game!

“Results is the Name of the Game.” – Jim Rohn When it comes to being motivated and staying focused on your goals, it is the results that you achieve that count not the intention of getting there. It is unclear of the origin of this quote but it goes like this, “The road to hell […]

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Key to Staying Motivated: How are you doing so far in the 2nd Half of 2010?

We’re one month down in the 2nd half of 2010, have you made any headway into your 2nd half goals? Well if not… it is still not too late to get rolling but don’t put it off for another day. There is no better time to get going on the goals that are really important […]

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Key to Staying Motivated: Get Rid of the HIDDEN Excuses…

As we progress through life, we pick a lot of assumptions and prejudices along the way. This is a natural thing that happens and some of these assumptions help us remain safe while others hold us back from the success we desire and deserve if we are willing to pay the price. Some of the […]

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