Stress Management
Your Success and Being Prepared Revisited…
I had a couple of interesting comments on this post and I thought I would make a quick video to address a couple of them. Take a look the post at and let me know what your think about the subject. As Always, Here’s to Your LifetoSuccess, John Clark P.S. Being Prepared is a […]
Your Success and The Need to Be Prepared
When I was growing up, my parents did a great job of keeping me involved in activities outside of the house which included baseball, basketball, football and the Boy Scouts. One of the things that sticks out about the Boy Scouts was their motto: Be Prepared. Two words. Only two words. Be Prepared. Now like […]
Your Success and The Power of Focus
When it comes to the power of focus, you are dealing with a power that is extremely powerful. Think of it this way… what ever you focus on expands. If you are focusing on the fat, the fat expands. If you are focusing on the debt, the debt expands. If you are focusing on failed […]
Your Success and Living Without Excuses
What is your favorite excuse? What is it that is holding you back from your dreams? Not enough education… Poor upbringing… Wrong neighborhood… You don’t have the right contacts… Well the fact is… We are all responsible for where we are. If that is the first time you have heard that, then from this point […]
Your Success and What to Do When You Just Don’t Feel Like Doing it…
So you have been going like a bat out of hell for days, weeks and months and you wake up one morning and you  just don’t feel like getting out of bed… What do you do? Well sometimes believe it or not you just need to take a break. But don’t let it drag on […]
Your Success and Your Power of Concentration
When it comes to living in a successful way, your power to concentrate on the the things that matter most is paramount. When you can focus on the task that move you forward towards your goals you are living a highly functioning life. One of the best examples of concentration and focus is Thomas Edison […]
Are you using your Habits to Shape Your Life or Are Your Habits Shaping Your Life?
Don’t make any mistake about it, your life is being formed by your habits. This is happening whether you are aware of it or not. The people who go on to make their lives successful know how to change their habits in a manner that serves them instead of hampering their efforts. In order to […]
No Excuse Living
Are you living your life with no excuses? Or are your days filled with looking at things outside of yourself as the reason for you not being where you want to be with your life? We have a habitual way of looking at things… We either look at life as our responsibility or we look […]
Yeah, It sounds good, but…
I have been studying personal development for going on 25 years. When I first started to explore the subject, everything sounded good, but I would always find an excuse for not doing it. When I speak with others concerning the subject of personal development, I am often faced with, “Yeah, But…” following the but comes […]