Stress Management

Success and Your Power to Create Value

When you are out on the path of success, your ability to create value is paramount in how successful you will be. Your ability to take you talents and God given abilities and create a result for others while making a profit for yourself. Taking time to look at yourself and what you find true […]

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Staying the Course without Giving Up Hope

When you are traveling on the path to success, you will often times find yourself very frustrated. This will happen for many reasons, but the one thing that you must do is to make sure you keep in your mind is that you and only you are the master of your destiny and that your ability to […]

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Success and Your Habits

If there is one thing that you must get control over to become successful, it is your habits. The one thing about habits is that there are some that you have been living with since before you can remember. Your ability to uncover these habits is something that must be done in order to break […]

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Success and Time for Reflection and Re-Motivation

With the first half of the year fast approaching, it’s time to start looking at the goals and objectives that you had set for the year. #1 – Did you set any goals or objectives for the year? If not then there is no better time then NOW to set some up for the second […]

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Success and The Need for the Same Message from Different Voices

There are times when all this personal development stuff all starts to blend together and the message is always the same. “You are personally responsible for your Happiness!” There is a lot more too it than that but you get the point. There is a lot of information about goal setting, time management and the like to […]

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Life Success and The Quality and QUANTITY of the Value You Provide

Success in life comes from the value you provide to others. The more people you effect with your value, the more you will end up succeeding in a monetary way. This is basically no secret! Quality is important but when it really comes down to it, quantity is more important. The more people you positively effect with […]

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Success and Becoming a Product of Your Own Conclusion

“Become a product of Your Own Conclusion.” I’ve heard Jim Rohn say this over 100 times. He says it in all his keynote speeches and seminars. Jim Rohn is a fantastic speaker and when you listen to his message it really resonates with me. Deep down inside of me, the message just hits home. But […]

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Success, Happiness and Your Responsibility to Yourself

When it comes to success and happiness, the most important thing you need to realize is that you are personally responsible for both your happiness and your success. Once you come to realize this point it sets you free from the chains that hold you back. When you place the responsibility for your success and happiness on […]

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Success and The TRAP you need to avoid at all cost…

When planning to take steps to towards success, there is a trap that can develop and sabotage your efforts more than any possible obstacle that you can face. When you reach the point of desiring anything… physical fitness, saving more money, getting yourself organized, your mind goes to all the things that you are going […]

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Success… Does it really matter…

When you think about success and the due diligence necessary to make a successful life, what does it really matter? I often think about this and I always return to the same conclusion… It does matter! No matter how many times I try to think of reasons why it doesn’t matter, something deep in the […]

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