Success Coach
What Do You Use as Your Comparison Reference Point?
It is easy to get caught in the trap… The trap of using the “wrong” comparison reference point. We all do it. We look around ourselves and in order to make ourselves feel better about ourselves, we compare our lives to the lives of those around us that are not doing quite as good as […]
Are You Paying Attention to the Patterns in Your Life?
Do you find yourself repeating certain problems in your life, over and over again? Are there broken relationships in your wake from every area in your life? Do you find yourself broke or in situations that often drain your bank account? Do you find yourself constantly being let go from your job? Or the first […]
Where Do You Stand in The “Occupy” Movement?
If you haven’t seen it in the news, recently in the US, there are some protests going on called, “Occupy _________ ” the blank can be Wall Street, Oakland, DC or wherever else they seem to be occupying. I haven’t really quite got my mind wrapped around the reason for them being there, but apparently […]
Are You Going to Be Free or Are You Going to Be a Slave?
Have you read the headlines recently? We are living in a world in conflict now and the answer to the question above is going to be determined by what side of the fence that you are standing on. And there is no sitting on that fence… So here is how the sides of the fence […]
What Are You Doing With What You Have, While Wanting and Waiting to Get More?
Do you think that is a weird question? Read it again… “What are you doing with what you have, while wanting and waiting to get MORE?” Let’s take a look at the “Occupy Wall Street” protesters again. There was a 21 year old girl who was complaining that she was in debt for over $100,000 […]
If Not YOU, Then Who….
I am watching the events unfolding with these “Occupy”… protests and I find them quite interesting. I don’t get it. Maybe I am just thick when it comes to these types of things. We have students protesting to have their student loans, removed. They signed the paperwork for these loans so they can become educated […]
What Values Do You LIve Your Life By?
What values do you live your life by? This is an interesting question… And one that will ultimately determine your level of success or your failure. We are seeing a lot of strife happening all around us, currently in New York, with the “Occupy Wall Street” movement and in Boston with the so called “Days […]
DEMANDING Change, Is This a Philosophy That Has Ever Worked?
I find it interesting, we are currently having people being arrested in New York and Boston for getting in the way of traffic in the “Occupy Wall Street” or what is also being called the “Days of Rage”. I look at this with great interest because I have never seen this work out in anyone’s […]