Success Coach

Why Everything that is Going on in Our World is PERFECT…

Here are some of the headlines that are on the internet right now: Judge Rules Health Care Law Unconstitutional Nearly 11% of US homes empty Crude Oil above $100 for the first time since 2008 US issues terrorist warning for citizens worldwide Dozens of police break up brawl at church 100 Million Threatened by Massive […]

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The Solutions to the Problems We Face Today… Start With an Individual Choice…

It is crazy out there, right now!! We are facing problems from every angle… We have civil unrest flaring up all over the world. We have the US government printing money like it is going out of style, which will probably end up in major inflation at some point down the road. We have people […]

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Become Part of THE Solution…

I find interesting, lately in the news I am noticing a lot of stories about riots over in Europe and most recently in Egypt. Not having experience in riots, I figure that these riots are about demands not being met. A group of people are demanding by a show of force that something need to […]

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Are You Being Perfected? Or Are You Resisting Being Saved?

Since last September, the focus of my studies and of this blog have changed dramatically. Since late August of 2010, I recommitted myself to walking with Jesus Christ. This has presented some very interesting challenges for me. The way I interact with people has changed… The way I think has changed… What I study has […]

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The Hardest Work You will Ever Have to Do

When we think about success and our success in life, one of the greatest challenges that we will have to face is… Ourselves!! One of the most challenging things that we have to do is face ourselves and the flaws in our lives and character that are holding us back. It is very easy to […]

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The Success of Our World Comes from an INDIVIDUAL Decision to Do This…

Look around you… If you are paying attention to what is going on, you will have noticed that we are facing some very challenging issues in our society today. We have record unemployment going on… We have civil unrest spreading like a wild fire in Europe… We have a media and politicians looking to take […]

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There is Only ONE Solution to the Problems We Face Today…

It is very sad what happened the other day in Arizona. The senseless killing of those people in Arizona just doesn’t make any sense. What I find very interesting is the media’s quick reaction to start blaming people other then the person who committed this horrible act. “It was Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and all […]

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The One WHY that is Required For Our Success in 2011…

With 10 days into the new year, I’m sure that we are taking a look at the resolutions that we have set for ourselves, and wondering why? Think about it for a second, we all want to be fit and trim, if not, our TV’s would lose at least half of their advertising dollars. We […]

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3 Things to Consider for Making Lasting Change in Your Life for 2011 and Beyond

With 5 days gone in the new year, I’m sure this message will meet you in one of three situations: 1. You have developed plans for 2011 and you are still personally charged with your decisions and you are making daily progress towards those goals you have set for 2011. 2. You have developed plans […]

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Making a Fast Start on Your 2011 Goals

I am hoping by now that this message reaches you with your 2011 goals already clearly defined. If not make sure to get over to to get your goals set properly for the new year. The fact that you have a plan speaks volumes for you so far, because this is where 98% of […]

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