Success Coach
Your Success Begins when…
Success always begins when we take complete responsibility for our OWN happiness. When we rely on others for our happiness, we give up way too much power to the people that we rely on for our happiness. Does that make sense? Here is a simple example… If you were relying on our ex-President George Bush […]
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Success Laws and Working with THE Laws
I know this is hard to believe but there are success laws that work equally for everyone. I know you may be saying to yourself, “Come on, John. If that was true why does it seem like there is so much poverty in the world?” The simple answer is… The reason why there seems to […]
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The US Government, Freddie Mac CFO David David Kellermann and Your Success
With the death of Freddie Mac CFO David Kellermann, I started to think about the enormous pressure that has been put on us by this unfolding financial debacle that we find ourselves in. I’m sure over the next couple of days we will find out the cause of death and more about this man. In […]
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The Greatest Challenge of Your Life…
It has been my belief, for as long as I can remember, that we are all placed on this earth with very unique talents and abilities. And those unique talents and abilities have with in them, everything you need to bring into your life anything you desire. The problem that most of face when looking […]
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What Anchors are holding you back from Your Greatness?
My good friend, Mike Litman, had a program called, “Greatness Held Hostage”. This is a great program that he put together to show examples of people who overcame great obstacles to become great in their own right. So what holds OUR greatness hostage? Simple answer… OUR THOUGHTS, BELIEFS AND ACTIONS! We are a sum total […]
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3 Keys to Maintain Forward Momentum and Motivation During Trying Times
With the unemployment numbers going crazy and the bleak financial news, we see on a daily basis, it is often hard to find ways to keep your positive and motivated during these very trying times. You ability to find ways to keep yourself motivated and consistently doing the actions that will bring about your desire […]
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FAQ: With Record Unemployment and Trying Financial Times, How do you succeed with this stacked up against you?
I am getting emails on almost on a daily basis with this question: With Record Unemployment and Trying Financial Times, How do you succeed with this stacked up against you? This is a very interesting question because there are successful people in all periods of time both up and down. The key to succeeding in […]
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The US Government, Barack Obama, Tim Geithner and Your Need to Practice Your Individual Power
I have recetnly become a member of , I recommend, you do the same. The websites focus is to bring to light stories about what the US government is doing. With the focus being to bring like minded people together in a forum to get back to the success principles that have made the […]
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AIG, Bailout, Bonuses, Tim Geithner, President Obama, Chris Dodd… What do you think?
With the news of AIG and the bonuses this week, I find myself very disturbed by this news… But not for the reasons you may think. If you paid attention to the news this week, you will have certainly heard of the AIG bonuses paid out to certain executives even after receiving federal bailout money. […]
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Why being BAILED OUT is not a good idea…
I have been watching the news lately to see how the bail outs are helping those who are in need is working out. The only thing that I can surmise from this whole bail out thing, is that there is a lot of finger pointing from the politicians to the businesses to the taxpayers and […]