Success Coach

Your Success, Re-Distribution of Wealth and Affirmative Action

With the recent US Presidential elections almost here, there has been a lot of talk in the news and on talk radio about re-distribution of wealth, affirmative action and reparation. These are very divisive issues and anyone who has been affected by any of the above items has some very strong emotional opinions about the issues. But […]

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Who will you be better off with in the White House?

With the presidential election a little over a week away, the question I pose is… Who will you be better off with in the White House? Will you taxes be lowered or raised? And how will that effect you? Will you finally get what you deserve from the government? Anyone who has been reading this […]

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Are You Expanding or Are You Withdrawing?

Here’s the headline: “Public Anxiety Grows Over Shaky Economy”, the story continues to read that a third of the group polled for this article are afraid of losing their jobs and they are afraid they won’t be able to make their mortgage and credit card payments. Are you in the third that are withdrawing from […]

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Is Living a Successful Life Exciting? (Part 3)

Is living a successful life exciting? How about our relationships? How about getting up at 3 AM with a sick child when you know you have to get up for work in 2 hours? How about dealing with an unhappy customer in your business? How about finding out your business partner was stealing money from […]

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Is Living a Successful Life Exciting? (Part 2)

Is successful living exciting? How about your financial success? Does saving a certain percentage of your pay over 40 years seem exciting? Does putting off a desire to get something now, in order to live a prosperous lifestyle later seem enticing? Well maybe that doesn’t sound too exciting but how about this… Does living year after year […]

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Is Living a Successful Life Exciting? (Part 1)

Is living a successful life exciting? This is a tricky question. And it has both a yes and no answer. Living a successful life often requires us to do things that we do not find enjoyable. But the great rewards attained from staying the course of living successfully are quite exciting. Over the next couple […]

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Success and The Power of Feedback

The power of feedback is absolutely necessary for anyone who is looking to live a successful life. Feedback –  the transmission of evaluative or corrective information about an action, event, or process to the original or controlling source. (From Merriam-Webster) When you set your goals or objectives and start to take forward action towards them, you […]

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Success And The Power of Not Judging Others

I wrote a post on one of my other blogs yesterday about practicing non-judgement. You can read it at . I got few personal responses from people asking me about judging people who have killed others or those who have molested children. As I found those questions very interesting, I still had to go back to […]

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Success And The Law of Attraction

You’ve probably heard about the Law of Attraction. The law of attraction basically says that if what you concentrate on with your mind and take action towards, will move towards you. This is a very important law for success! But this law works on both sides of the scale, when you concentrate on what is […]

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Success and Continuously Creating More Value for Others

Our success in life is going to in direct proportion to the value we provide for others. The more people we serve profitably the more success we will attain. When we reach deep inside of ourselves and start to develop our unique God given talents to serve others, the more in tune we will be […]

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