Success Coach
Living Successfully and Complaining
When you are attempting to live a successful life, when is the proper time to complain? The short answer… NEVER! When you start to get into a complaining state of mind, you are giving power to something outside of yourself. When something is disagreeable with you, it is something inside of you that is causing […]
Success and Your Life… By Design!
Successful living is certainly a challenging thing. I mean everyone around you wants you to be doing things for to advance their agenda. Right? Well, I think that is what successful living is all about. It requires: #1 – You need to get a crystal clear picture in your mind of what you desire. This […]
You need to Live a Successful Life… NOW!
If you have any desire to live your life successfully, you need to start right NOW! Not tomorrow, not next year, not even an hour from now. Right Now! You might be saying to yourself, “John, what’s the rush? I’ve got plenty of time.” Well tell that to Bernie Mac. He passed away today at […]
Success and Becoming a Product of Your Own Conclusion
My mentor, Jim Rohn, says in his key note speeches that, “you need to become a product of your own conclusion.” He gives the example of one book on health says that you need to do this to become healthy, while another book says that if you do what that first book tells you to […]
Success and What to do about the waiting…
You have your goals and objectives set and you are concentrating your efforts to make them happen. But you just can’t wait. You want it to happen now!!!!! Well this is not uncommon. But this can also be a fatal trap if you do not watch out. If you feel that things are not happening […]
Success and Being Honest with Yourself
When you are making your way down the path to success, the worst thing that you can do is try to gloss over some of your shortcomings in the major things that you are responsible for. Those things include: 1. Your use of time – If you procrastinate, you are giving up valuable time that you […]
Success and The Things You Need to Pay Attention too
As we make our way down the path to success, we are often faced with roadblocks that cause us to question ourselves and our abilities to get things done. I don’t know about you but this has happened to me many, many times… I have lost hope on several occasions. But there is one truth that I […]
Success and Making Excuses
Success is one of those things that has to be worked at everyday through focus on our goals and the discipline needed to stay the course, while in pursuit of these goals. So when is the right time to make excuses? NEVER! Success and excuses… are incompatible. Excuses are blaming circumstances for for failure. Failure […]
Success or Unsuccessful Living and The Price You Pay for Both
Living successfully is often a very arduous task, often requiring you to do things that are not always pleasant like getting up at five in the morning to go to the gym. Or working into the wee hours of the morning to make a deadline. Or skipping a fun session to get something of high importance done. […]
Success and Your Self Image
Zig Ziglar, one of the greatest motivational speakers of all time, says “You’ve got BE before you can DO, and you’ve got to DO before you can have.” I’ve always liked that statement. It’s a statement about your self image. Let me explain… BE – Before you can have anything you desire, you have to […]