A commercial hard money loan is slightly different from a private hard money loan. These loans can be given by a business or a private lender just like any other hard money loan, however the terms are slightly different and the interest rates are normally much higher. A commercial hard money loan is normally used for businesses to gain capitol, to expand their business or use this loan for debt consolidation.
Obtaining a commercial hard money loan does require a certain amount of credit to prove to the lender that your business is successful and that your odds of paying off the loan are high. These commercial hard money loans can grow to as large as $1,000,000 plus the unbelievable interest rates that can reach almost 30%.
Acquiring a business loan from any bank or institution is becoming almost impossible even for the most successful businesses in the world today. There is a great deal of terms and conditions as well as red tape for any business owner to get through to even be considered for a bank loan. This is why so many business owners are relying on hard money loans to avoid the government and legal hassles that bank loans will bring to their businesses.
The structure of any commercial loan is generally for short term, 6months to 5years maximum. Any business who is taking under a hard money loan generally has more than enough to pay it back. Today, business owners are taking out hard money loans to increase their profits, make a quick real estate sale or increase their capitol. With these reasons, the business does have the money to take out an extensive loan and pay it back within the year. These are the types of clients that hard money lenders like to work with because they know they will get their money back instantly and that the client will be back for another loan not long after to again expand their business in some way.
Commercial hard money loans are now becoming more popular than any other type of hard money loan because of the trouble that businesses have to go through with the banks to get any type of funding for their business, whether they have good credit or not.