A little while back I posted a video by Jeffrey Gitomer about referrals, in this video, Brian Tracy takes the subject a little further.
One of the most profitable sources of business comes from referrals. If you are not getting a lot of referrals, then it is time to re-examine your sales process. If you are not getting a lot of referrals, you are not providing a great buying experience for the customer.
So where do you start? All of the answers to this question are in your sales process. If you are completely focused on providing a “WOW” experience for your customers, then the referral process should be pretty easy and should come naturally as a course of business. If the customers are not calling someone the minute they leave your presence, then it is time to start to change your sales process.
Think of the last buying experience that you had…
Was it a pleasant experience?
Was it an experience that you would like to do over and over again?
Did you talk to some about the experience immediately after finishing the buying process? Was it a good conversation or a bad conversation?
Would you send your best friend or daughter into that place to go through that experience?
Now apply these questions to your selling process, if you are not getting a lot of referrals, then it time to change your selling process.
As Always, Here’s to Your LifetoSuccess,
God Bless You,
John Clark