Cholesterol and Your Heart
Lower your Cholesterol For Your Heart Having a lower cholesterol is very important to our overall health, no matter how old we are or aren’t. This is especially true if we want to avoid having a heart attack or stroke. In order to understand what this means and how to achieve it, we all need […]
HDL Cholesterol Level
What is HDL Cholesterol Level? When you think of cholesterol, your only thought is that it should be lower, however HDL levels are not the same. The higher the better is the necessary information when it comes to HDL cholesterol levels. HDL is not the same as cholesterol. In fact your HDL levels are high […]
Measuring Cholesterol
Cholesterol Basics More than half of Americans, and according to American Heart Association figures, most of them have less than desirable cholesterol levels. What this means is that every other person walking down the street is at risk for some sort of heart disease. But how do we know how grave those risks are when […]
Choosing A Prescription For Self Hypnosis
The hypnotic prescription is the “magic” words that form the script used during a hypnotic session. This script is used during the induction in order to focus your subconscious mind on your goals, and to remind your subconscious mind of the purpose of your goals. You need to choose a prevailing thought (constant, main thought) […]
What Is An Induction In Self Hypnosis?
An induction is the introduction of your mind to the hypnotic state. It can be a very formal, with a lot of ceremony and steps, done by a hypnotist on a subject, or it can be very simple, and done by the subject on themselves (self-hypnosis). Whichever the case is, the eventual goal is to […]
How Self Hypnosis Is Done
Hypnosis may still seem like a mysterious form of mind control to many people; however it can be done, by you, to yourself. There are many books and websites available that will describe how to self hypnotize. It can seem difficult to do, but it is most important to remain relaxed and willing to be […]
Common Concerns About Self Hypnosis
Many people have concerns about hypnotism. A common image when thinking about hypnotism is a stage show, perhaps one where a volunteer from the audience is hypnotized into thinking they are a chicken, or caused to quack like a duck when a bell is rung. There is a simple solution to these fears. Just don’t […]
Self Hypnosis Compared To Hypnosis By Another Person
Hypnosis for personal development, and not for a stage show, may be better if you can do it by yourself. (It would be very difficult to hypnotize or mesmerize yourself or another person for a stage show). Self hypnosis can be more difficult and take longer than being hypnotized by a professional hypnotist. In some […]
Self Hypnosis As A Method To Help You Sleep
Many people in our stress filled environment have trouble falling asleep. An area where self hypnosis can help is with your sleeping habits. While self hypnosis should not be used to reduce sleeping times, as not just your mind but also your physical body needs to rest, it can be used to reduce the amount […]
Self Hypnosis As A Method of Achieving Goals
As with any goal setting, make sure your goals are SMART. This means your goal is: • Specific – you have an exact goal rather than a general one • Measurable – you will know when you’ve succeeded and how far you are along your path during your journey • Attainable – your goals are […]