The Dangers of Cholesterol Drugs

The Dangers of Cholesterol Drugs When it comes to treating high cholesterol, you are often prescribed certain drugs by your doctors. These are called statin drugs. The statins are a specific class of drugs, which are more formally referred to as pharmaceuticals, and are used to reduce cholesterol levels. There are many accusations that are […]

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The Risk Factors for High Cholesterol

The Risk Factors for High Cholesterol You might say that you’re very well learned with the risks of heart disease; especially with the high amount of information that is available on this subject. But risk factors for high cholesterol, are a completely different story altogether. You may be wondering  what they are. Perhaps you are […]

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Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

Lowering your Cholesterol the Natural Way For those people who would prefer not to take prescription drugs for lowering their cholesterol, there is an alternative and more natural way. The alternative to using pharmaceuticals are natural cholesterol reducers. Many people prefer them to taking the drugs as they are believed safer. More and more studies […]

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Lowering Cholesterol

Lowering High Cholesterol Most of us are at some risk for heart disease. All of us are better off if we work on lowering high cholesterol. Cholesterol is all a huge part of reducing our overall risk of both heart disease and stroke. By now we all already know this. We know that diet and […]

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Cholesterol and Your Lifestyle

Our Lifestyle and Lower Cholesterol Cholesterol in our body is produced in the liver, which is the organ that uses the fats in our diet as fuel. What it produces is all the cholesterol the body needs to keep us moving. Why does it need cholesterol you may wonder? Among other things, it works by […]

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Cholesterol and Your Heart

Lower your Cholesterol For Your Heart Having a lower cholesterol is very important to our overall health, no matter how old we are or aren’t. This is especially true if we want to avoid having a heart attack or stroke. In order to understand what this means and how to achieve it, we all need […]

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HDL Cholesterol Level

What is HDL Cholesterol Level? When you think of cholesterol, your only thought is that it should be lower, however HDL levels are not the same. The higher the better is the necessary information when it comes to HDL cholesterol levels. HDL is not the same as cholesterol. In fact your HDL levels are high […]

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Measuring Cholesterol

Cholesterol Basics More than half of Americans, and according to American Heart Association figures, most of them have less than desirable cholesterol levels. What this means is that every other person walking down the street is at risk for some sort of heart disease. But how do we know how grave those risks are when […]

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Choosing A Prescription For Self Hypnosis

The hypnotic prescription is the “magic” words that form the script used during a hypnotic session. This script is used during the induction in order to focus your subconscious mind on your goals, and to remind your subconscious mind of the purpose of your goals. You need to choose a prevailing thought (constant, main thought) […]

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What Is An Induction In Self Hypnosis?

An induction is the introduction of your mind to the hypnotic state. It can be a very formal, with a lot of ceremony and steps, done by a hypnotist on a subject, or it can be very simple, and done by the subject on themselves (self-hypnosis). Whichever the case is, the eventual goal is to […]

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