6 Selling Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to selling your home, there are many different mistakes that you can make that will cheat you out of money or will even prevent the selling of the home all together. That is why it just made sense to add an article about the common mistakes that you should avoid when selling […]

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How to Get the Most Money for Your Home

Making a mistake when you sell your home yourself can end up costing you hundreds or thousands of dollars in lost profit. Many times home sellers make the same mistakes over and over again. It is in learning how to avoid these mistakes that selling your home becomes easy and takes little time and effort […]

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Preparing for a Home Inspection

This topic was bound to come up. When you are selling your home, you are going to have to prepare for the inspection process. This can take a great of your time to prepare for, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. This step is going to be important and deserved a section all its […]

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Tips to Selling Your Home Yourself

  After choosing to sell your home on your own, you might be wondering just what needs to be done in order to make it a successful effort. You are going to want to get the most money for your home that is possible. Fortunately the process in doing this is very simple and easy. […]

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5 Reasons to Sell your Home Yourself

Sooner or later every homeowner will understand the benefits that go along with selling their home. Sometimes we are concerned about the taxes in our neighborhoods; sometimes we find a better home somewhere else, and sometimes work related transfers are the reason why we choose to sell our houses. Most of the time, we choose […]

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Using Kolb’s Model to Set Goals

In 1984 a man by the name of David Kolb created a model based on the different ways that people learn.  These learning styles have come to be known as “Kolb’s model” and are used today to determine the different ways in which certain personalities learn and absorb information.  When you’re setting goals for yourself […]

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Emotions and Thoughts Affect Goals

Emotions and thoughts are not just about the mind.  For the past twenty years or so, scientists have developed a vast body of work that proves that our emotions and thoughts influence our physical bodies and health.  It is common knowledge that stress, negative emotions, and bad thought patterns lead to many physical ailments.  Since […]

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Using A Coach to Help Set Goals

There are many different types of coaches that you can use to help you identify your goals and start taking the steps to achieve them.  Following are several different types of coaches that you can use to help you set goals in both your personal life and in your professional life: • Personal coaching.  There […]

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Using Coaching to Recognize Goals

One of the ways that you can recognize your goals and start to strive towards meeting them, is by using coaching techniques.  Coaching can be essential part of communicating with yourself and the people in your life.  When you enter into the coaching process you learn how to achieve success in your career and in […]

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Goals and Motivation

Goals and motivation are closely linked together since without motivation you’ll never achieve those goals.  Motivation has become a multi-billion dollar business in this country, with people turning to spiritual leaders, workshops, and even professional motivators in order to find the incentive and energy to achieve their goals.  Motivation is the incentive that you need […]

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