Key to Staying Motivated: You’ve got to be clear…

When it comes to staying motivated, one of the best places to start is right in the beginning by becoming crystal clear to the smallest detail in whatever it is that you want to achieve. It may not be very clear at first but it is very important to make sure you have a very […]

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Key to Staying Motivated: Try Something Different…

As we go through our day, if you take notice you will see that there are patterns that we have set up for ourselves. We get up at the same time almost everyday, we progress through our days in pretty much the same fashion everyday, week in week out, year in year out. BUt here […]

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Key to Staying Motivated: Stay on point…

There are distractions all around us. Before I am done writing this blog post I will probably be interrupted by something about 5 times, which is a habit that I am currently reprogramming. The key to great success and staying motivated is to keep your energy focused on the task that has the highest pay […]

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Key to Staying Motivated: Get Up Early!

For the last month and a half, I have been getting up a 4 AM to go to the gym for 4:30. Most of the people that I tell about this think I am absolutely crazy but I must tell you that I have had more energy in the last month then I have felt […]

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Key to Staying Motivated: When should you start getting things going?

When should you get going on a goal or objective that you have set for yourself? Should you wait until a monday? How about the beginning of the month? or the beginning of the year? How about… NOW!!!!! The best time to take action on a new goal or objective is the minute you put […]

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Key to Staying Motivated: Why it is Important to STAY Motivated…

I believe it is very important to STAY motivated. When you let a day go bye that you do not move towards one of your major goals, you have simply wasted one of the most precious resources that you have and that is your time. Make sure to check out this post – We […]

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Key to Staying Motivated: Knowing Yourself Honestly

I am often poised with the question: “John, How do you stay motivated?” This is a very interesting question because I am not always motivated but I do constantly pull myself back in when I am not feeling motivated but we’ll get back to that one. There are several different things that help to keep […]

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Claiming Your Independence…

Tomorrow, in the US, we will be celebrating Independence Day. This is the day that the point in time the US decided to break free from a tyrannical and oppressive rule of England. As individuals, we are faced with some of the worst oppression that you could possibly imagine and that comes from… OURSELVES! We […]

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Making the Most of the Second Half of 2010!

It is July 1st, 2010, and the start of the 2nd half of the year. No matter where you are at this point in the year, you can still make great things happen for 2010 even if you have fallen behind with your goals. The key to make that happen is to start with something […]

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Mid Year Goals Checkup…

It’s June 30th 2010 and the year is half over which means it’s time to check in and see how we are doing towards our yearly goals. If you have not set any goals for the year yet, then this is the perfect time to start. The questions we need to ask ourselves are: 1. […]

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