You can have everything perfect but if you don’t add this… Your Sunk!

You can have the perfect plan… You can have everything ready to go… But without ACTION, you will never get it off the ground. If you are looking for 2009 to be any different then 2008, you need to take action. But you need to take action that is different from the action you took […]

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Protecting Yourself for Your Success

With all the bail out action going on, it seems very easy to be swept up in all this “too big to fail” hub bub… The fact is failure is your only way to TRUE success. If you only attempt things when you have a safety net under you, your success will be limited by […]

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The Little Thing in Your Head That’s Keeping You Fat (or from anything you desire)

This is a great article by Tom Venuto, a master at fitness and weight control. This article does not only apply to weight control but also to attracting anything that you desire. I also recommend getting his great program at If you can master the steps he lays out in his program you can accomplish […]

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8 Reasons Why You Keep Falling Off The Diet Wagon

8 Reasons Why You Keep Falling Off The Diet Wagon By Tom Venuto Clearly, we have an obesity problem in America and many other countries across our planet. Yet, I propose that we do not have a weight loss problem today. In case you’re confused at this apparent contradiction, consider these statistics: According to […]

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CEO Compensation, President Obama, TARP and FREEDOM…

I was reading this story on MSNBC, when it dawned on me that when the US government is a business partner, you will be limited by the things you can do. And I find this very scary. If this can happen, what will happen when the government takes over health care…. Will the doctors be […]

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Wells Fargo, TARP, Bailout, Las Vegas Junket, and FREEDOM

I read this news story today on MSNBC, and I found it pretty interesting. Wells Fargo is re-considering an annual trip that it has done for years to reward its top performers. Now let me get this straight right off the bat, I was not in favor of taking tax payer money and bailing out […]

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Maintaining Your Vision While Living in the Moment

If you have studied any success information you will often come across a statement like… “Living in the Moment”. This is a very misunderstood statement and I would like to provide an explanation that I have come up with in my studies from several of the experts in the area of success. Now successful living […]

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President Obama, The Bailout and The SAD message to our youth…

I have been doing a lot of soul searching recently about this financial bailout on the table in Washington, DC. And it has really been a source of anxiety for me. I know this goes completely against what I believe because I don’t have any direct control over what they do in Washington. But I […]

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President Obama and The Financial Bailout… Do we NEED IT?

If you have been paying attention to the news lately, all you basically hear about is the financial bailout and the need for its expedient approval through congress. I am fortunate for having worked on this website for a few years, I have a pretty good circle of success minded people that I am in constant […]

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The Law of Attraction and Your Success in Life

I receive a ton of success information into my email box daily and I cull through all it with a fine tooth comb to find the gems that help me mold my mind into a success magnet. Today, I got my quote of the day and it was by my mentor, Jim Rohn. He said, “Success […]

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