What Are You Worried About? (Part 1)


What a question…

With everything going on lately, what is there not to worry about right?

We just had a hurricane come up the east coast creating all sorts of problems for everybody involved. We also had an earthquake down around Washington D.C. that was felt all the way up to Vermont.

We have wars and riots going on all over the country, with demonstrations happening on a regular basis, right here in the US.

Now, here is the million dollar question for you…

Did you or do you have any control over any of these situations?

Unless you are an organizer of any of the riots or God, I’m guessing the answer to that is… NO.

Let’s look at the things that we do not have direct control over:


Government regulations (in a direct way)

What others do or say

So why do we worry about these things… is it because of fear of the unknown?

Is it because we don’t know how these things are going to effect us personally?

Is it because we are not prepared?

Let’s look at the weather, with that hurricane that came marching up the east coast last week, we seen picture after picture of the long lines in the grocery stores and empty shelves in the grocery stores.

It is obvious that with conditions like that in the grocery stores, there were a lot of people worried about not having food in their houses if it went bad.

Do you think that the people who had food stored in their homes were worried about this? Simple answer… NO.

Do you think that these people has time to shore up other areas in their lives that may have been more important? Answer… YES.

I work in an industry that I see this kind of reaction with every snow storm even though, the snow is cleared up within a day at the most.

When we prepare ourselves for events that could be out of our control, we take one more thing off of our minds and can concentrate on other things.

Tomorrow, I will be looking at an area that most of worry about and how we can control our thinking in that area.

As Always, Here’s to Your LifetoSuccess,

God Bless You,

John Clark


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What Are You Worried About? (Part 2)

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Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say


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