Business Success
Getting Organized: How To Tackle The Big Tasks
How many times have we put off doing those large tasks because we know how much effort and energy they will require? Just thinking about doing them wears you down. Soon you find that this large job that you once had weeks to accomplish much be done in days. In this article we will look […]
Getting Organized: Remembering All Those Little Things
How many times have you gotten home from work and realized you had forgotten to do some important chore? By the time you realized it, it is too late is has to be put off until another day. How many times have you forgotten to do something because, it was scheduled months prior but when […]
Getting Organized: Directions, Warranties, Receipts
How many times has something broken in your home? If your normal, likely loads. Many times items can be repaired but you have no idea where you left the assembly instructions. Without these, even with the replacement part, the item is now useless. This means it needs to be thrown out and replaced with something […]
Getting Organized: Your Finances
Many of us would love to save money. However, if you were to ask most people why they have so little at the end of the month there likely answer would be , I don’t know. Many of us pay bills automatically and have no idea where, when or how much is coming out. The […]
Value Investing: Types Of Dividends
When you practice value investing, and start to purchase stocks, you will likely expect a nice dividend check to come to you home at the end of the quarter. This isn’t necessarily the case. Dividends can be paid in a variety of ways and at various intervals. Some shareholders can actually be paid before others. […]
Value Investing: Direct Purchase Plans
Many of us would love to get into value investing, but don’t have large amounts of cash spare. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to have thousands of dollars spare. You can start investing with as little as 4 dollars by purchasing direct purchase plans. A direct purchase plans provides many advantages for new […]
Value Investing: Beware Of Your Own Company
In 2001 and 2002 the news was literally covered by the story of the Enron Corporation. Workers and shareholders lost nearly everything in one of the biggest financial scandals of our lifetime. Those who invested in Enron saw their stock plunge fro nearly 80 dollars a share down to a few cents. Those who were […]
Value Investing: All About Dividends
When you start value investing in the world of stocks and shares, one particular word will pop up again and again. This word is of course dividend. The dividend is the profit that the share of stock brings. When companies pay out dividends you will receive some money and the opportunity to either take it […]
Value Investing: Useful Terms
When it comes to Value investing in the stock market, many want to run before they can crawl. Many think that they can predict the market with good accuracy and come out getting rich quick. The truth is, you likely have a better chance of getting rich quick by hitting the casinos in Vegas then […]
Value Investing: What Is A Stock Split?
In the 80’s we all watched as telephone giant Bell was forced to break up by the US government, on the grounds that it had a virtual monopoly in the telephone and telecommunications market. We also heard stories of stockholders who eventually became quite wealthy, being that their stock was split 6 times. This caused […]