
Body Building And Stretching

If you are doing body building you need to stretch. It does not matter if you are doing light body building or a full blown muscle building exercise. Stretching must be part of your goals in training. Although you may not realize that benefits of training just yet, when you begin to incorporate it into […]

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Stretching As A Runner

As a runner, you realize the importance of staying in shape. Part of staying in shape should also include stretching. Although you may not realize just what stretching does for you, you should invest a few minutes in learning as well as doing stretches. No matter if you are a new runner or someone that […]

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Ballistic Stretching

Ballistic stretching is also called active stretching. In this type of stretching, you don’t just extended the muscle outwards. Instead, you are doing a more complex and more extensive type of stretch. If you haven’t used any stretching methods before, you will want to work on learning a few methods of stretching that incorporate ballistic […]

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What Is Static Stretching?

Static stretching is one type of many types of stretching. In this type of stretching you will work with just your individual muscles and will do low intensity stretching. As you know, stretching is an important part of warming up for your workout. If you are to really get the full range of motion you […]

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Understanding What Stretching Is

Stretching is often a necessary exercise to perform and is especially important when it comes to physical fitness. Those that do not get in enough stretching are likely to find themselves facing the risk of injury as well as the loss of range of motion. The goal of stretching is quite simple. By providing a […]

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What Is Stretching?

Since you were a child, you have been told that stretching is something that you should be doing. It doesn’t matter if you are just getting up for the day or you are going for a five mile run, stretching is something that you’ve been told has to happen. The truth is that this is […]

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