
Tips For Good Value Investing

We all want to invest wisely. If done correctly then significant money could be made and financial security could be realized. However many people year after year loose money by investing in the stock market. They either pick the wrong companies or outside circumstances cause their investments to take a downward spiral. It is possible […]

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What Is Value Investing?

With all of our investment options available, sometimes it is hard to choose. There seem to be so many routes to follow that choosing the correct one can be a daunting task. For those that have some skill in playing the stock market, something that they may wish to try is value investing. Value investing […]

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Foreclosure Investing: Refurbishing For Profit Inside

If you have bought a home, to resell for profit, you need to know where best to put your money. You want to put as little money in as possible to gain the maximum amount of return. Generally, you don’t need to ad on rooms and spend thousands on solid gold features. These may look […]

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Foreclosure Investing: Refurbishing For Profit Outside

There are a few ways to make money when purchasing a foreclosed home. You can fix it up and sell it on, or rent it out for a long term investment. Either route you choose, chances are, the foreclosed property you have bought will need a significant amount of work done to it. If you […]

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Foreclosure Investing: Where To Find Foreclosure Listings

A great place to find foreclosure listings in the Housing and Urban development website. This is a government organization with an aim to make homes available to those of moderate incomes. Buying a home through HUD can be a lengthy process but usually worth it. Homes can be bought at good prices and low interest […]

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Foreclosure Investing: Judicial and Non-Judicial Foreclosure

Each state has their own process regarding foreclosures. It is important that you have a basic working knowledge of the foreclosure process and the laws of the state you are considering investing in. This can avoid loss of money, fees and fines at a later date. There are two basic types of foreclosures with the […]

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Foreclosure Investing: Gain Knowledge Without Spending A Fortune

Getting started in foreclosure investing doesn’t have to cost a fortune. You don’t need expensive computer programs or to attend real estate seminars. Many who have made a success of property and foreclosure investing are entirely self taught. They spent time looking at listings and researching neighborhoods. This provides the some of the best education […]

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Foreclosure Investing: Beware Of Scams

Making money through foreclosure investing is completely legal. However, as with any potential money making plan there are always those out there trying to take your cash off of you. Some of the most successful are not through the sale of illegal property but on courses and seminars that promise to make you a property […]

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Foreclosure Investing: You Don’t Have To Use Your Own Money

Foreclosure investing can provide reasonably priced property that can be turned over for profit. With some careful research, foreclosure investing can provide great investment opportunity for both the short and long term. Many are afraid of getting involved because they do not have large sums of money to play around with. The truth is, you […]

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What You Must Know For Foreclosure Investing

The property market is good and provides great opportunities for investment in both the short and long term. Foreclosure investing is particularly attractive to many investors because properties can be purchased for a much lower price. Foreclosure investing does take some knowledge. You should know about property values, state laws, taxes and investors. Make sure […]

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