Designing Your Best Year Ever
With 2008 coming to an end in a few short days, I hope you have had a chance to solidify your goals and objectives for 2009. I hope you have set your financial, fitness, relationship, career and spiritual goals. A balanced approach to make 2009, your best year ever. I have come across a few […]
Being Grateful for the Life You Have Lived to This Point…
It is an easy thing to look at your life, especially while in the pursuit of success, and beat yourself up for some of the bone head mistakes you have made. The failures you have had. But the thing is if you didn’t make those mistakes, you would be the person you are today! Now […]
How You Work WITH the Laws of Success will determine your Success
When you start to discover that your success is determined by exact Laws of Success, it opens your eyes to a completely new way of looking at yourself and the reason why you were put on this earth. It is a real eye opener! The problems that most of us face is that we have […]
The Missing Link to the Success You Desire
I am beside myself, I have been working on my personal development for many years. Some years were good, some years were great! And some years were a real learning experience. But the one thing that I have always desired was a steady year after year success. My guess is that I am not alone. There […]
Working with The Laws of Success
Success, The Law of Attraction, The Secret, Personal Development, Self Improvement… Why is it that if you were to ask 97 out of 100 people if they were happy with their lot in life you would get a negative response? You see it around you everyday. You see it in the grocery store. You see […]
Are you Ready for 2009?
If you like me, you can’t believe how fast 2008 is coming to a close. I mean 2009 is almost here… 22 days and counting! I am fast at work solidifying my 2009 goals and working on the my rough plans to achieve them. I am also working on the one thing that can help […]
Lessons We Can Learn From the US Auto Industry Debacle (Part One)
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I’m sure by now you know that the three CEO’s of Ford, GM and Chrysler have been to Washington to beg for about 34 four billion dollars to help keep their companies afloat. The way I look at it is, if this were such a good investment for […]
What to Do in Times of Despair…
With the news constantly beating to the tunes of financial disaster, it is very difficult not to let the news effect you in some way. I believe this is just human nature. If it is not effecting you, it is certainly effecting others around you. Working on this blog over the last few years has […]
Make 2009 Your Best Year Ever!
With the close of 2008 rapidly approaching, there is no better time to get yourself set up to make 2009 your best and most prosperous year. The one thing we can not do is go back and change what we have already done, but we can change the direction we are going starting now. Here are a […]