The Triple Action Plan for Success in 2009: Vision

Yesterday I wrote a post about the Triple Action Plan for Success in 2009 and I got many responses today to go into a little more detail about the three step process.

So here we go…


Your ability to create a vision that encompasses the life you want to live is the first step to any successful endeavor or life. You will only be limited by your ability to create a detailed vision of the life you desire to live.

Now here are a few points about creating a vision for your ideal life:

1. Make your vision big and bold. If you could wake up tomorrow and you had all the financial resource you needed to do what ever you wanted to do, what would that day look like.

What would you do once you woke up?

What would you do after breakfast? After lunch? At night?

Create this ideal day in every detail.

2. Don’t limit your vision based on what you think you can accomplish – Many of us tend to limit ourselves based on what we think we can accomplish based on our past performance or limitations.

You are capable of much more than you could imagine. That’s why we need to make our visions BIG and BOLD!

3. Don’t worry about how you are going to make it happen – This is another area that many struggle with. We want the perfect plan on how to get there before we even start to venture out.

“You don’t have to get it right, you’ve just got to get it going.”

When a person goes to quit smoking, the one thing that makes it very difficult is they let there mind go to every instance that they would light up. And the live it in this moment. So they never even get started on their “quit smoking plan”.

We can only control this moment. And that’s where all the power is… In the moment!

Creating and designing the life you deserve to have is the first step to a successful life. You can start right now, making it happen!

A great resource to help you start to create the vision for your successful life is located at , make sure to get over there now and start to design your successful life!

As Always, Here’s to Your LifetoSuccess,

John Clark

P.S. Make sure to pass this on to anyone you know who is looking to make improvements in their lives and go to and start to design the life you are looking for!

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The Triple Action Plan for Success in 2009: Working with the Laws of Success

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The Triple Action Plan to a Successful 2009 and Life!

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