Getting What you want is possible only by…

Over the last couple of days, I have been writing about getting what you want by running your desires through the SMART goals setting program.

When you start working with a goal setting program, this is actually an ACTION plan to get from where you are to where you want to go. This requires that you become someone different then you are right now in order to reach that particular goal.

The particular area we will be discussing today is material or financial goals.

In order to reach these goals, you will need to become a value provider to someone willing to pay for the service you provide. You can become more valuable to your current employer, and in return should be compensated more or you will be hired away from your employer by someone who will be willing to pay you more for your talents.

The only way to make more money is to become more valuable in terms of the service you provide. There is no other way.

There are a few things to keep in when trying to become more valuable:

1. You need to constantly upgrade your skills – Take as much training as you possibly can. But make sure it is in an area that is needed in your market place. Why do think we end up in the financial situations as a society as we are in now? We have a lot of people trained in jobs we no longer need. The only way to change this is by paying attention to the market and making adjustments to your skill set to match the needs of the market place.

2. Try and find ways work that utilizes your unique skill set – It is my belief that we are here on this planet with skills that if we focus our time and energy through that skill, we will want for nothing ever again. They key is to find a market willing to pay for your unique skills and abilities.

3. Don’t get stuck in the rut – I heard that a rut is a grave with the ends pushed out. Don’t fight change. Markets come and go and this is a natural occurrence as the needs of our society change. You need to keep your eye on what is going on and make the necessary changes to your skill set to meet the needs of the current market place.

The prime example of this going on right now is the US Auto industry.

Keeping your skills up to date is the main way to:

#1 Get what you want

#2 To avoid becoming obsolete

As Always, Here’s to your LifetoSuccess,

John Clark

P.S. Another way of to get what you desire is to add more revenue streams to your income. One of the best ways is to do this is by starting a home based business that works for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Make sure to get over to and sign up for your FREE mall today!

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Desire: The Starting Point of Success – Turning Your Desire into SMART Goals

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