Welcome to LifetoSuccess.com!

When you think of Success, a lot of thoughts pop into our heads. We think about our careers, our financial situation, our relationships and possibly our fitness level.

Success is quite different for everyone. For one person, it may be a $100,000 car and a $500,000 home. While for another it could mean, a modest $100,000 home and a$20,000 automobile that gets them from point a to point b.

Where we tend to run into problems is when we compare our lot in life with the lot of the person we sit next to at work, church or on the bus.

It’s my belief that we are governed by a set of laws that have been around forever. And like the law of gravity, our ignorance of these laws do not exclude us from these laws. Let’s say you were to go to the top of a tall building and you didn’t know about the law of gravity. When you got to the top you jumped off, with certainty you would fall straight to the ground and would get hurt or possibly die, even though you knew nothing about the law of gravity.

There are many laws that work in this manner.

I have put this site together to hopefully shed some light on some of these laws for you and possibly help you create a better lot for your life.

I hope you enjoy this site. Please leave you comments and suggestions. Visit often as content is being added all the time.

Here’s to Your LifetoSuccess,

John Clark, President, LifetoSuccess.com

John Clark, President, LifetoSuccess.com

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Set Goals To Give Direction to Your Life


    • Stephen Bogan
    • July 3, 2006

    I like the new web site. More organized and neater. If you add some more side bar items I think it will be real attractive.

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