Money Saving Tips: How To Use Leftover Shampoo

Many of us likely have a stock pile of old shampoos and conditioners lurking in the corner of our bathtub that we will likely never use. Many times the brand you buy doesn’t quite do what you like. In this article we will show you how to turn those old shampoos into practical uses around the home. This not only results in zero waste it can actually turn out to be a great money saving tip.

Many times shampoos come with conditioner already in them. This combination makes ideal hand soap. The scent of the shampoo leaves your skin smelling great and the conditioner will protect your hands from drying and chapping.

Shampoos make great cleaners for carpets. It is best used on wool rugs, being that it is a hair product. However, it will work quite well on other carpet fibers. This can result in quite a substantial savings in that hair shampoos are much less expensive than specialized carpet shampoos.

Shampoo is actually much stronger than we realize. If you ever get grease stains in your clothing, shampoo makes a great spot cleaner. This is a great money saving tip for 2 reasons. 1, Hair shampoo is less expensive than degreasers and 2, you won’t have to replace the stained item of clothing.

Shampoo has been known to break down enzymes. This makes is a great cleaner for removing blood. Blood can stain badly ruining clothes and furniture. Shampoo can completely remove blood stains saving articles of clothing and other cloth items.

Shampoo is perfect for cleaning nearly any hard surface. It is perfect for floors, counter tops and does an especially good job on wood. Shampoo is also able to clean your bathtub until it shines.

Finally, by taking shampoo and mixing it with baking soda, you have the perfect chrome cleaner. It is perfect for taking away watermarks and other types of stains. This mixture also removes soap scum and is a great tile cleaner.

Old shampoos should not be thrown away. By mixing old shampoos and conditioners, you have the perfect cleaner for nearly every room in your house. Using old shampoos not only cuts down on waste but is great money saving tip.

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