How Biofeedback Therapy Works

With the advent of biofeedback therapy, many people can look forward to a life without the harsh symptoms of daily stress or severe psychological and health disorders causing them misery and early aging. There is also no need to worry about future procedures that are invasive or drugs to which an allergic reaction can occur […]

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The History of Biofeedback Therapy

Biofeedback therapy is becoming a strongly backed treatment for stress-related symptoms, as well as symptoms of several other disorders and diseases that are non-stress-related. This form of therapy allows a person to monitor their autonomic reactions to stress with the assistance of a therapist or analyst, who can then train the individual to utilize certain […]

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What Is Biofeedback Therapy?

We all suffer from stress at times, and often, it seems as though the symptoms are impossible to control. Our heart rate increases, and our muscles become tense. Sometimes our blood pressure rises, and none of these conditions is healthy. They all affect our bodies in a negative fashion, causing us to literally age faster. […]

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Energy Conservation Tips

Energy conservation is something we all need to do to protect the earth and to protect our pocket books. If you have not considered the benefits of taking advantage of a few extra dollars, then you should start here. Remember that the small things add up but there are also some important things that you […]

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Energy Conservation and the Fireplace

Is the fireplace a good thing for energy conservation or is it a potential pitfall? There is no doubt that if you have a fireplace and use it, it can be beneficial to your energy bills. If you have one and do not use it, it can be a leading cause of escaped energy within […]

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Energy Conservation in Decorating Your Home

Did you know that you can save energy by decorating and designing your landscaping correctly? Most of us do not think about how easy it can be for us to use less energy. Although it may not be something that is on our minds, it really should be. If you plan to invest in decorating […]

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Energy Conservation: Consider Your Lighting

When it comes to energy conservation, lighting is something you should be taking into consideration. There is no doubt that we all need the right amount of light to function within our day. We need to see to read and simply function in each task we take on. But, what type of lighting, what amount […]

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Energy Conservation: Conserve By Using Your Thermostat

If you plan to save some money this winter on your energy bills, consider the thermostat. This little functioning tool in your home actually plays a large role in keeping your home running smoothly. Rather, it keeps your home actually the right temperature for your day to day life. If you do not think much […]

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Energy Conservation: Small Things Add Up

When it comes to energy conservation, the small things can add up quickly. If you think that you can not afford to find a way to save on your energy bill, consider the various small things that you can do that will easily add up to savings across the board. With so many different things […]

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Energy Conservation: Alternative Energy Sources

Energy conservation is something at the top of all of our minds. If you are looking at ways to save money on the energy that you use, why not consider some other, lesser expensive and environmentally less tasking fuel sources? If you did not think this was necessary or that they would work in your […]

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