While going from one day to the next, it is a challenge to stay the course.
We have obstacles that pop up or we may back slide on a couple of areas we have made some headway in, but in the final examination of the process it is simply our ability to live successfully moment by moment. And build upon the successes.
Some of the challenges we face may seem insurmountable but as we press forward with our eye on our desired result, the day will come when that obstacle will disappear and we will have arrived at our desired result.
And hopefully we will have our next desire in front of us with the challenges that come with our bigger desires.
The obstacles are there for us… to grow and be even bigger!
The obstacles certainly seem to an nuisance at the time but if we look at them as lessons to help us grow, we may be able to get past them with a little more ease.
Success… “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.” That definition came from Earl Nightingale and I find it to be one of the best definitions of success.
When you think about it… Life is all about progress.
When we live successfully from one moment to the next, we are progressing and growing at the same time.
As Always, Here’s to Your LifetoSuccess,
John Clark
P.S. Make sure that you are growing and learning. Make sure to sign up for the 7 Lessons of The Science of Getting Rich at http://tsogr.lifetosuccess.com and make sure to pass this onto anyone you know who may find this information useful.