Success, MLM, and The Financial Circumstances of the World

Marcela, one of our subscribers, wrote back yesterday and asked:

“I was curious about your opinion on how MLM’s will be affected by the financial situation?  Do you think they will also suffer as people are financially impacted, or will people continue to buy some of the products that are available through MLM’s? ”

Here’s what we need to understand about the financial situation of this world…

During down times there are many people who prosper. These are the people who focus on the opportunities and do not focus on the problems.

These are people who focus their efforts on bringing their unique talent and ability profitably to the market place.

These are the people who have prepared for down turns. These people put away money just in case something happens.

The best way to combat a recession is by focusing on your efforts on the unique talents you possess and then profitably market them to customers who have money to buy your products or services. During recessions you may have to look further to find customers but this is when you start to get in front of the more prosperous people in the world.

Remember what you focus on expands in your life. If you are focusing on the problems, the problems expand.

If you focus on your strengths and abilities they expand.

This is all a matter of your habitual way of thinking and acting. Make sure to get over to and start to take control of your habits today!

I am also listing the financial article series and eBooks below to provide some information that may help someone out there.

Financial Article Series


Financial eBooks

As always here’s to Your LifetoSuccess,

John Clark

P.S. Make sure to pass this on to anyone you know who may need this information and make sure to visit and start to take control of your habits today!

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Success and Your Power of Focus

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Success and Your Financial Future


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