Home Based Business

The Missing Link to the Success You Desire

I am beside myself, I have been working on my personal development for many years. Some years were good, some years were great! And some years were a real learning experience. But the one thing that I have always desired was a steady year after year success. My guess is that I am not alone. There […]

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Are you Ready for 2009?

If you like me, you can’t believe how fast 2008 is coming to a close. I mean 2009 is almost here… 22 days and counting! I am fast at work solidifying my 2009 goals and working on the my rough plans to achieve them. I am also working on the one thing that can help […]

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What to Do in Times of Despair…

With the news constantly beating to the tunes of financial disaster, it is very difficult not to let the news effect you in some way. I believe this is just human nature. If it is not effecting you, it is certainly effecting others around you. Working on this blog over the last few years has […]

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Why December starts with a D…

I look at December as one of my favorite months. Not only is a month to gather with family and friends but it is the month I start formulate my plans for the following year. The other thing that I do that I find even more valuable than that is I start to review my… […]

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Your Success and The US Companies Bailout…

I want you to think about this very carefully… No matter what you see or read in the news, the US government bailouts are the worse things that we can do for these companies. When you start to look at the whole picture, you soon find out that the bailouts are more a cover up […]

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How Do You Insure Your Future?

With the news everyday telling us that we have major financial institutions being bailed out. We have AIG, a huge insurance company being bailed out. GM and Ford are facing a possible bailout, with GM on the brink of bankruptcy. Aren’t the people running these companies supposed to be smarter and more prepared to handle […]

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Your most Important Investment…

We hear a lot in the news today about investments being lost to the failing economy. We hear about 1000’s of jobs being eliminated daily. I think about this and I think to myself, “What is the most important investment you can make that you can not lose?” The only thing that you can invest […]

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Why you need to be Happy Now?

When you think about your life and the level of happiness you have or that you feel you do not have is all based on… You, Your Thinking and Your Actions! Your ultimate happiness comes from your thoughts and your actions. If you are waiting for outside circumstances or someone else to change in order […]

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Are You Expanding or Are You Withdrawing?

Here’s the headline: “Public Anxiety Grows Over Shaky Economy”, the story continues to read that a third of the group polled for this article are afraid of losing their jobs and they are afraid they won’t be able to make their mortgage and credit card payments. Are you in the third that are withdrawing from […]

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Is Living a Successful Life Exciting? (Part 1)

Is living a successful life exciting? This is a tricky question. And it has both a yes and no answer. Living a successful life often requires us to do things that we do not find enjoyable. But the great rewards attained from staying the course of living successfully are quite exciting. Over the next couple […]

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