Fibromyalgia Treatment: Medications To Help
Different medications are used in fibromyalgia treatment even though the FDA has not yet approved any of them specifically for this condition. Some of these medications may be beneficial for some patients and completely ineffective for others. There is no way to know for sure if a drug will help you until you give it […]
Fibromyalgia Treatment: How Your Diet Can Help
Did you know that what you eat plays a very big role in your fibromyalgia treatment? Your doctor might recommend diet changes as part of your treatment plan. Even if your doctor doesn’t order this, you might decide to partake in certain diet changes on your own because you see that they can help you […]
Fibromyalgia Treatment: Understanding Your Condition
Before you can understand the treatments used for fibromyalgia you must have an understanding of the disease. Fibromyalgia is a disease that is not well-known throughout the medical profession. It is linked to arthritis but the symptoms are different. Unlike arthritis which affects the body’s joints this disease affects the muscles. Parts of the body […]
Fibromyalgia Treatment: Tips For Around The House
When you suffer from fibromyalgia, even the slightest relief is a miracle to the suferer. Anything at all that can aid your fibromyalgia treatment or reduce your symptoms or pain is very helpful. In addition to the fibromyalgia treatment your doctor has set you up for, there are additional steps that you can take even […]
Stretching And Weight Loss
If you are trying to lose weight, stretching should be part of the process. There is nothing like getting started with weight loss exercises and feeling that dull ache running through your body. If you are even slightly overweight, exercising is hard work and it is quite taxing on your body as well as your […]
Stretching For An Intense Workout
Stretching provides many benefits to your overall health and well being. If you plan to do an intense workout, you should include several levels of stretching throughout that routine. Stretching encourages your muscles to grow and allows for them to do the best job they can for you without becoming injured in the process. When […]
When Is The Right Time For Stretching?
Stretching is a part of the everyday workout, right? If it isn’t but you are looking to make it so, one of the largest mistakes that individuals make, is not knowing when to stretch. It doesn’t matter if you plan to run a marathon, do a ballet recital or you need to warm up for […]
Why Do Stretching?
Sure, your gym teacher in elementary school talked about stretching, but why should you do it now? You are fit. You are completely comfortable before and after your workout. So, what is it that you could possibly gain from a few simple and boring stretches? Unfortunately, this frame of mind is one that will leave […]
Body Building And Stretching
If you are doing body building you need to stretch. It does not matter if you are doing light body building or a full blown muscle building exercise. Stretching must be part of your goals in training. Although you may not realize that benefits of training just yet, when you begin to incorporate it into […]
Stretching As A Runner
As a runner, you realize the importance of staying in shape. Part of staying in shape should also include stretching. Although you may not realize just what stretching does for you, you should invest a few minutes in learning as well as doing stretches. No matter if you are a new runner or someone that […]