Health & Fitness
Beat the Flu with A Body Detox
Did you know that you can beat the flu with a body detox? Nobody wants to be down with the flu and it can take a lot out of your day and set you behind on work and more. You might have heard about body detox already and what it can do for you but […]
When Do You Need A Body Detox?
So how do you know when your body might be in need of an internal cleansing? Maybe you have already done a detox before. How do you know when you are ready to do so again? What signs will your body give you for you to be able to tell when it is time to […]
How to Do Body Detox
Is your body clean on the inside? Could you benefit from a total body cleansing? So if you decide that a detox might be just the thing your body needs, how do you go about getting it? There are different ways that you can detox your body. It is very important for your health that […]
Body Detox For Weight Loss
Are you looking for a way to lose weight? Have you tried virtually everything under the sun but still find yourself unable to lose weight that you want to lose? If so, you are not alone. There are millions of people out there suffering with excess weight that they are unable to be rid of. […] Mid Day Video Break – Dr. Jay
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Customizing Your Body Detox
With so many different body detox programs out there, it can be hard to know which one will work best for you. The good news it that with that many options, you can choose a body detox program that is especially for you. By picking and choosing some of the finer points from different programs, […]
Battling Cravings While You Body Detox
One of the biggest problems that people have with a body detox system is that they are unable to beat the cravings that come with giving up certain foods and substances. Once they get a couple days into it, they may have terrible cravings, moodiness, headaches, stomach aches and other symptoms that make them want […]
What Is Body Detox?
Have you heard of this thing called body detox? What is it exactly and how do you know if it can help you? Many people are now taking time and effort to detox their bodies and form new, healthier lifestyles. If you would like to be like these people and improve your body and lifestyle, […]
What Is Biofeedback Therapy Good For?
Because stress is an ailment that affects everyone from time to time, it may seem as though the symptoms are impossible to control. We may experience an increase in heart rate, tension of the muscles, or elevated blood pressure, and none of these conditions is healthy. The negative effects of such ailments literally cause us […]
The Time Involved in Biofeedback Therapy
Because the word “therapy” is often unwelcome as an idea for treatment of various illnesses and disorders, biofeedback therapy may not sound like a worthwhile option to many people. However, as you begin to research the procedure of biofeedback therapy, you’ll notice that it is like no other therapy employed by physicians and psychologists in […]